Geese's comments

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Edited By Geese

L1qu1dSword - You should have read the article conclusion before making your totally inaccurate guess as to why Gamespot wrote the article. Based on your comment, it looks like you stopped reading right around "Late last year 60GB SSDs sold for around $1,000." (barely 1/4th of the article) and then angrily banged out your response.

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Edited By Geese

Mertado said: "Articles like this are why I don't come to Gameslop any more." So how did you manage to make that oh-so-clever post? (You see, for those of you that don't understand...what Mertado did is, is he said GameSLOP, which sounds like GameSPOT, but it's really different. It's meant to cleverly show how he/she believes the quality of work here is to be compared to something that pigs would eat. It's actually quite deep when you think about it. Hopefully we'll get more invaluable insight and cutting edge comedy from this poster in the near future.)

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Edited By Geese

People love to exaggerrate: Timberwolfe2001 - An Xbox premium, at LAUNCH cost $399. That means your PC cost $400 (not $200) more than a 360 to build. y2kern - PC people don't have to shell out a couple hundreds or thousands of dollars every other month to play a game. Someone with a high end PC right now can probably expect to not have to upgrade any part of it for at least a couple of years. 5nake3yes - The only thing PC settings at max has over the 360 version is antialiasing. Yes, that's nice, but it's not the be-all-end-all of GFX. Trust me, the 360's 1280x720 running a solid 60FPS on a 42" LCD looks JUST as good as it does at 1680x1050 on my 22" LCD/Athlon Dual Core/nv8800 setup. Why does everyone have to act like one option is so much better than the other? I suppose it is...for each individual person. It's totally up to personal preference. Some people like to be able to choose a server to play on. Some people prefer to set up parties and have servers auto-chosen for them. Some people like the speed of a mouse at a desk, some people prefer the comfort of a gamepad on a couch. Some people like the freedom of upgrading when they like and being on the cutting edge. Some people aren't concerned with tech numbers and want to know that as long as the box says "360" or "PS3" it's always going to run on my system. Real gamers don't spend time whining about what (or how) other people are playing. Real gamers search out games to play and play them on whatever platform is most enjoyable to them FOR THAT GAME. Not all real gamers have access to all platforms, so they make the best of the decision they made, but they do so without crapping on others to make themselves feel better about their choice. To the PC elitists - Stop constantly trying to remind everyone how much better your system or choice of platform is than the mainstream. And stop with the notion that PC's are for 'advanced' people and consoles are for 'n00bs'. To the Console elitists - Recognize that it IS the world of PC's that drives the technology that you are enjoying in your console. Just like racecar technology finds it's way to production cars, so does PC tech. If there weren't droves of PC people 'wasting' their money on the cutting edge tech, you'd still be playing PSX or Saturn level consoles right now. Just freaking tired of all the whining and combative talk, and mostly the gross exaggeration in pretty much every forum on the net when it comes to PC and Consoles.

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Edited By Geese

A few comments: The idea of editing a level may not be new, but Forge does allow you and up to 7 other players to edit a level at the same time. Players can switch from an actual "player" to an "editing monitor" at will. All this is done in real time. I'm pretty sure there aren't any other games that allow level-item editing in real time while other players 'play' the level. If you are playing CTF in Halo 3 and someone says "I wish the flag were directly behind the gate and I wish it had a spartan laser next to it" - this can be done...AND the map can be shared with all the players in your party - in less than 5 minutes. How long do you think it would take to move a flag in a UT2K4 map and then get that map to the people you are playing with? The replay viewer adds a decent amount to the game. It's more than just for machinima. I use it to view awesome kills I got, or see exactly how someone owned me. Great for making and sharing screenshots as well. Whoever thinks UT2K4 has more customization options than Halo 3, is either 1 - lying, or 2 - hasn't checked out the H3 options. I just loaded up UT2K4 (just to make sure I wansn't remembering incorrectly). You can't even customize what weapons players will start with in UT2K4. It's obvious some here are just flame-baiting. I can't explain why Halo 3 is my favorite multiplayer game. I can only tell you that I'd rather play it than any other multiplayer game right now. You won't convince me Halo 3 is lame any more than I'll convince you Warhawk is boring. But one must ask, if Warhawk is so engrossing, then why are you spending your day off following a Halo 3 thread?

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Edited By Geese

It's amazing how many people will pick out key words like "disturbing" and then assume what the whole article is about, or assume that this is some Nintendo marketing ploy to denigrate the more powerful systems capabilities, or the folks who think this is about how violent games make violent people. Wow. It's in no way saying that games shouldn't try to be realistic, as some people are assuming. One of the things it's saying that as games 'attempt' to be more and more realistic, our brains usually notice the things (or the things missing) that make for a truly realistic character, and in some cases when something is very lifelike, but not quite perfect, there's something unsettling about that. Not everyone experiences it, but some people do. And the article isn't trying to say that the Uncanny Valley somehow makes video games a bad thing for society. It merely acknowledges that it exists and discusses how game designers can try and make even more lifelike characters. Nice to see plenty of people did, in fact 'get' the article.