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#1 Geddy_L
Member since 2004 • 2899 Posts
[QUOTE="kostyakuzmin"] [QUOTE="Jinroh_basic"]

if the game adjusts its difficulty as one levels up, does it mean it's possible to end the game with, like, level 6?


Yes,you can,but I have to get mod which will stop your level up :P

pardon me being honest.....but that is just plain stupid. :? even FFVIII has more twist in this respect.

however, i will stand corrected if need be :)

The main quest is 20ish hours.

The game has over 200 hours of content, probably more if you don't rush and use fast travel all the time.

So yes it would be stupid to rush through the MQ at level 6, but that's the gamer's fault not the game.

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#2 Geddy_L
Member since 2004 • 2899 Posts
HDR is way better than you can tell from screens. It's not perfect, sometimes the lighting on the up close npc shots looks kind of weird, but overall the game looks much more alive with HDR.

You'll need an x1000 series card to get aa+hdr.
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#3 Geddy_L
Member since 2004 • 2899 Posts

I wont be able to wait, I need to see all the new goodies (or "baddies") it has.

I hope it comes out at around the cost of XP. If it's much more than that, I might make myself wait.

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#4 Geddy_L
Member since 2004 • 2899 Posts

I use both the analog and the D-pad but I want a good D-pad.  One that is comparable to the console controllers. 

Can the XBox or PS2 controller be hooked up to the PC?  If so, how?


360 pad can be plugged into a usb port, and the drivers are available from MS. Dual Shock or Xbox 1 controller require an adaptor.

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#5 Geddy_L
Member since 2004 • 2899 Posts
Do you use the DPad mostly, or are you comfy with using dual analog all the time? Becaue that is one of the few flaws on the 360 pad, a very mediocre DPad.
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#6 Geddy_L
Member since 2004 • 2899 Posts

[QUOTE="-Unreal-"]Thi is a pre-ownage thread to any of those types of people I describe in my sig. ;) AdrianWerner

You are a fool to assume people who play consoles are kids.

its just a general statement..kind alike when consol peope call computer gamer, computer nerds/geeks..we arent all like that..I have meet some 19+ yearolds while playing Xbox with my friend, but most of the times its kids from 12-8 with sqeaky voices(Ive meet some of them on PC too)...lets not mess up this awesome owngae thread really..

I disagree.

There is something very discomforting about the PC fanboy. It's the level of elitisism. Console fanboys are ususually just stupid; PC fanboys actually think playing a PC makes them better than others. There is something very insecure and just plain ugly about this attitude. We are all just playing GAMES, what game you choose doesn't make you better than anyone else. If one want's to feel better about themselves, get a good education or a job that helps mankind. Don't act like playing PC games for hours on end makes us some kind of gift to humanity.

I also think you're way off on your demographics info. Most gamers are in the mid 20's. The majority of gaming is dominated by consoles. Therefore, the majority of people playing consoles are going to be older.

At least console gaming has achieved some level of coolness amongst the general population. PC nerds are still seen as, well, PC NERDS.

Gee..first you attack him for calling console gamers "kids" and then you go with PC nerds.

Wrong, I did not, read the above post.

Seriously... PC fanboys feel superior because they are playing more complex games, consolke fanboys think they're superior because they aren't nerds.

If you believe that, you really are a PC nerd and a fanboy. If you can't realize both platforms have their relative strenghts and weakness, all I can say is your bias is limiting your gaming experience.


Sorry, but I find calling somebody a "nerd" far dumber and primitive than calling somebody a "kid". While they are some extreme PC fanboys, I've always found console fanboys far worse, they are more immature, more rude and far more agressive than PC fanboys. But that's propably because average PCgamer is likely to be 10 years older than console one. Seriously, you don't see PC gamers flooding Xbox, PS2 or GCN forum at Gamespot with their "PCgaming owns you" or "consoles suck". While I constantly see console trolls apearing on this forum

Right. I'll play a game of CS:S tonight and try to remember these words to comfort me while being assailed by 733t CS dewds.

I already said console fanboys tend to be more immature, but PC fanboys act more elitist. I cut more slack to someone who doesn't know any better and is immature than to one who is an elitist jerk.

You ever met a hardcore Mac fanboy and had them act superior to you because you use Wintel? Even though it's for gaming? Doesn't that type of ignorant, foolish elitism piss you off? It's the same dynamic with pc game fanboys. 

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#7 Geddy_L
Member since 2004 • 2899 Posts

Geddy, you just called us Nerds and consoles Teh Coolness...thats the kind of attitude I mean. because I am one of the PC gamers that dosent make fun of consoles and stuff..but sometimes console people do piss us off, when they run in here and make a thread called:



^^^ what kind of crap is that? :P looks that there are going to be alot of games I want to get..the Space Games by itself is like 3-4 games...and then the shooters..etc..this year is going to be very fruitful for PC gaming.


You misread what I said. I said PC gamers are often seen as nerds by the general population, and that console gaming has garnered more acceptance.  

It's the same kind of defensiveness you see in the PC community every time a new console comes out, and it's equally annoying.

Surely you understand my point of elitiism being so obnoxious? It's more annoying to me because at least console fanboys are ignorant and can be educated; the "elite" PC crowd should know better, especially if they're so much more mature and educated like they claim.

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#8 Geddy_L
Member since 2004 • 2899 Posts

[QUOTE="-Unreal-"]Thi is a pre-ownage thread to any of those types of people I describe in my sig. ;) DarthMaul135

You are a fool to assume people who play consoles are kids.

its just a general statement..kind alike when consol peope call computer gamer, computer nerds/geeks..we arent all like that..I have meet some 19+ yearolds while playing Xbox with my friend, but most of the times its kids from 12-8 with sqeaky voices(Ive meet some of them on PC too)...lets not mess up this awesome owngae thread really..

I disagree.

There is something very discomforting about the PC fanboy. It's the level of elitisism. Console fanboys are ususually just stupid; PC fanboys actually think playing a PC makes them better than others. There is something very insecure and just plain ugly about this attitude. We are all just playing GAMES, what game you choose doesn't make you better than anyone else. If one want's to feel better about themselves, get a good education or a job that helps mankind. Don't act like playing PC games for hours on end makes us some kind of gift to humanity.

I also think you're way off on your demographics info. Most gamers are in the mid 20's. The majority of gaming is dominated by consoles. Therefore, the majority of people playing consoles are going to be older.

At least console gaming has achieved some level of coolness amongst the general population. PC nerds are still seen as, well, PC NERDS.

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#9 Geddy_L
Member since 2004 • 2899 Posts
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