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#1 Former_Slacker
Member since 2009 • 2618 Posts


I don't want to be stuck with Pentium 4 anymore due to my interests in gaming on the p.c.


Dude, you don't want to go LGA775, you are just going to spend money on something that is old. I have a Q6600 and GTX470 and it's starting to show it's age and has trouble running games. Buy an i3 or i5, current technology.

But I've been using the pentium 4 processor for years (approx 10 years) and I got a better processor for $50 that ended up being not compatible with my mother board due to it not being an lga 775 socket . Even though I want to get a new motherboard for said new processor some guy at a pc repair shop (an idiot) said it was pointless to upgrade because it'll get old or something like that.

I've got some bad news then, he wasn't an idiot.

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#2 Former_Slacker
Member since 2009 • 2618 Posts

I wonder what would happen if they went back to no income tax and just imposed a nationwide federal sales tax on all purchases for everyone.


The wealth gap would balloon dramatically as a welfare state and the vast majority of the government's programs would becomeunfundable. There would be a massive reduction in federal power as programs would be ended and entire departments shut down and then we would be greeting our new Chinese overlords.

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#3 Former_Slacker
Member since 2009 • 2618 Posts

[QUOTE="Abbeten"]Which makes me wonder if they'll run Marco Rubio in 2016. Which would be hilarious to watch. whipassmt

Maybe. Who would the Dems run in 2016? Although usually a party doesn't win three presidential elections in a row, the pattern seems to be two terms of one guy, get tired of him, switch to the other pary.

Likely Clinton, Biden, Cuomo and others. Parties usually only win 3 elections in a row if the previous president was extremely popular, as in a transformational president who changes the fabric of the country. Somebody like Reagan, or more appropriately, FDR. Obama could still very well become one. The bailouts, stimulus, health care, Dodd Frank, Bin Laden, Ending the war in Iraq, winning re-election with a clean sweep of all tossups with an unemployment rate above 7.2%, and, presumably, ending the fiscal cliff, reforming the tax code, drawing down the war in Afghanistan, passage of an immigration bill that grants amnesty, and an economy with an unemployment rate below 6% would, combined with the changing demographics, render Obama a transformational president who would significantly change the course of the country for a generation and alter it permanently.

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#4 Former_Slacker
Member since 2009 • 2618 Posts

The Republican Party is facing an existential demographic crisis. Of that much, I am absolutely certain. There needs to be quite a deal of introspection. Immediately, the GOP needs re-rethink its stance on immigration and return to where the leaders were some ten years ago - amnesty - and make a serious push. There needs to be an immediate halt on attacking the Federal Reserve, and a return to the fact that "we are all Keynesians now." Attacking senior entitlements is the third rail. DON'T FVCKING TOUCH IT. Tax raises to mitigate budget shortfalls should be on the table. Tax cuts are nice and all, but we don't exactly have a $400 billion surplus to play with anymore. All of this brings the GOP back to where it was a few decades ago, but it is a nice start.

Drop gay marriage opposition from the platform. Loosen drug law enforcement, but from behind closed doors. Stop being so damn loud WRT foreign policy.

There's more, but that's what immediately came to mind.


Who are you and what have you done with coolbeans?

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#5 Former_Slacker
Member since 2009 • 2618 Posts

Seeing as the biggest problem with health care costs in the US is over-utilization, combined with a pcp shortage, single payer would be a very bad thing.

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#6 Former_Slacker
Member since 2009 • 2618 Posts

'Achievements'... Who really cares...

Well, I guess you and your XBL buddies do, but they're an insignificant part of PC gaming (and I do hope it stays that way).


It doesn't really look like gfwl is going anywhere seeing as the client doesn't run properly in windows 8 afaik.

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#7 Former_Slacker
Member since 2009 • 2618 Posts

It was a games for windows game, meaning it will run on the windows platform, not games for windows live, which requires the Microsoft service and client for the game to run.

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#8 Former_Slacker
Member since 2009 • 2618 Posts

Deus Ex, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3 and Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.

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#9 Former_Slacker
Member since 2009 • 2618 Posts

It's Race To The Top money, which includes some sort of stipulation that student's be evaluated based on some type of standardized test which could/would also be used to evaluate a teacher's performance. Opposing this type of thing is typical for unions as it would set standards to judge the effectiveness of teachers, standards which would be unrealistic according to the unions. Honestly, I'm not opposed to the right of government employees to unionize and I am a strong proponent of public education but teacher tenure needs to be eliminated and union power drawn back because this does ultimately harm students and the tax payer.

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#10 Former_Slacker
Member since 2009 • 2618 Posts

[QUOTE="Vuurk"][QUOTE="DroidPhysX"]poor vuurk Up in arms about getting railed by the government. Has no problems getting railed by private companies.DroidPhysX
How are the private companies railing me exactly? I strongly oppose the bailouts and government subsidies. No private company is "railing" me. I have the choice of where to spend my money. (except for when the government takes it from me and spends it murdering innocent civilians or redistributing it to a failed business that I could give a f*ck about.)

Of course you do. The wireless industry is one example of how Americans and you get shafted by private companies. You also get railed by big pharma when they bar generic medicine from hitting the market that undercut their bottom line. More profit for them. More cost to you.

Pharmaceutical companies developed the drug at great cost to them, they have every right to extend the life of a patent by an extra 5 years, out of a of total 8-10 years that a drug will typically have patent protection while on the market. It takes $800 million to bring a drug to market and that's only the handful of successful drugs that make it past all layers of research and testing, it doesn't include the hundreds of thousands that fail. Those failed drugs still cost money to research and test and companies have to turn net positive in terms of revenue somehow in order to stay afloat. Pharmaceuticals barely make any profit as is.