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#1 FooFighter145
Member since 2003 • 415 Posts

When the Netflix/Xbox interface is determining your connection / video quality ....a "presented in HD" (mine with 4 bars) message graphic will show up.  Try something like 30 rock season 1 episode 1 I know for a fact that one shows in HD.  Now whether Netflix downgrades the quality based on the connection is not clear.   From what I gather there is no HD selection, it's only based on your connection quality.  You may have 15mbps but 5 of that may be cached and the other 10 might be getting slammed from the network congestion of launch day.

Wait until tonight to try it again


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#2 FooFighter145
Member since 2003 • 415 Posts
I bought an Arcade for 199 as a backup when my Pro was in the shop...Now I have 1 hooked up to my 22" Samsung LCD and the other to my 50 " Sony HDTV.....just got done playing System Link Crackdown with my son...the new console with the harddrive only cost me $220 with the hd deal
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#3 FooFighter145
Member since 2003 • 415 Posts

It's all about MONEY...people

If MS has to support the 360 with its RROD, just how many free consoles will MS have to produce for replacement consoles in order to keep making cash with the replacement for 3 years plan?

MS knows people will buy the new console so they wont lose anything (notice I spelled it correctly all you non-spelling "loose" idiots out there)

A new tech with built-in wireless, Blu-Ray and higher tech than the PS3 would make perfect sense.

If they could make it completely backwards compatible with no emulation problems, I would trade in my 360 in a heartbeat.

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#4 FooFighter145
Member since 2003 • 415 Posts

I thought it was great. Not worth $60 but definitely a $30-$40 pricerange

Very oldschool. Reminds me of the last level in COD4 on the airliner trying to save the VIP. You keep trying it over and over until you get it right and get a better score.

Not every game has to be the next GTA or Halo kiddies.

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#5 FooFighter145
Member since 2003 • 415 Posts

I guess I posted this because I was going to get a PS3, that is until I saw the graphics and felt the controller and played with the interface. I know people will justify their investments with defensive posts but I'm just relaying what I saw. I was shocked when I saw the difference, and it was very noticeable. Sure it's multi platform but hey most games are now a days. With COD 4 being one of the top sellers out there, it is still a valid comparison. I know the graphics card is weaker on the PS3 and the processor is supposedly more powerful than the 360 by a margin but the muddy textures seemed out of place granted the PS3's specs and all the boasting I heard from my friend at how he thought it looked better, that is until we did a side by side test and he ate some crow

Look, I'm sure the PS3 will learn from its mistakes and developers will make better looking games as they learn the complex hardware, but unfortunately, 3rd party is where most games fall, very few 1st party.

I really want to get one later for the Blue Ray and if they change the controller or a third party replacement comes out then maybe I'll reconsider.

I don't doubt Uncharted looks amazing, but the damn cons outweigh the pro's for now. Convince me otherwise, no flaming please, I'm just curious as a potential buyer.

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#6 FooFighter145
Member since 2003 • 415 Posts

Here's some

The Orange Box - Half Life mixed with crack

NHL 08 - Best Hockey Game Ever

Fight Night 3 - A Classic

Burnout Revenge - Better than Paradise (yes it is!!!!) and still fun to pick up and play without memorizing a city, try that in Paradise in a year after not playing it

Star Wars II Original Trilogy (or complete saga)

Call of Duty 2 - still fun to go back and relive WWII


Crimson Skies

Halo 1 (the original and still best Single Player Campaign)

Rallisport Challenge

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#7 FooFighter145
Member since 2003 • 415 Posts

I can really see that with more first party games the PS3 will start to shine and take advantage of the tech made exclusively for it, say for instance in Burnout 3 and UT3

Is there any word on the new Sixaxis with rumble support and if it will have different triggers. or a third party substitude similar to the Xbox triggers.

I like the rotation of the Sixaxis thumbsticks but the placement feeles to close, like it was made for smaller hands, just me I guess.

The multiplatformer like COD4 was probably not a fair comparison though but still, on par tech should yield the same if not better results one should think

I'll wait and see, I still wouldn't mind getting one in the future especially if they are truly on a 10 year plan, we'll see

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#8 FooFighter145
Member since 2003 • 415 Posts

Looking for counter viewpoints of the interface or others experience to counter my impression

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#9 FooFighter145
Member since 2003 • 415 Posts

No, just giving a hands on test

Grow up

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#10 FooFighter145
Member since 2003 • 415 Posts

Okay, I've had a 360 from launch and so has my friend.

Unfortunately he has 4 other hardcore fan boy friends who all had the 360 then switched to PS3's. Needless to say they talked my friend into going to the PS3 and I never see him on the 360 anymore. Anyways, I went to his house and he had the 360 and PS3 both hooked to his receiver and then fed through HDMI to his Sony 60" Bravia LCD

So with both copies of COD4 in hand we decided to run some tests. He was convinced before the test that the PS3 was superior. Well, after getting both games to a point when you first start in the hangar and are speaking to Pierce, we switched TV input to go back and forth between the 360 and the PS3. Let's just say we were both surprised. I was expecting a slight edge to the PS3. Not the case. The Sony had muddied , blurred textures, a somewhat washed out look, and even some frame rate issues when zooming. Let's just say he was pissed. He was convinced from a placebo effect that the PS3 was better, his red face now showed otherwise. I just said, well looks like you can come back to the system with better graphics huh...No comment from him

Then I picked up the Sixaxis controller. I was amazed. First off the concave tiny triggers felt not only out of place but like they would snap off if squeezed to hard. Due to the small size, my fingers kept slipping down when I squeezed the triggers. Next I noticed the thumb stick placement, again, they had a very cheap feel and the close proximity of them caused my thumbs to literally bump and conflict with each other as they met up in the middle during certain look/movement/strafe commands. Not good...The placement of the sticks to the triggers was also awkward and did not provide a comfortable feel like the excellent 360 controller. Finally, no rumble support, thanks

So he goes back to the interface...what a plain boring, non intuitive mess.

I left telling him thanks, I almost got a PS3 to play UT3 on, but I'll save my money. His words were, yeah, but at least I have Blue Ray...I left telling him to enjoy all those Disney Blue Ray's

360 wins IMHO - superior interface, graphics, and controller

Maybe with the new rumble sixaxis, and HOME and some future developers taking advantage of the PS3's tech, it will shine...for now though, just glad I didn't waste my money

Comparisons or different experiences welcome