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#1 Fart_Storm
Member since 2008 • 519 Posts

LOL. I'm playing it right now. Pure PWNage. I love how you can steer your parachute

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#2 Fart_Storm
Member since 2008 • 519 Posts

By pwn, do you mean sales or which you enjoy more. Because BFBC2 will not beat MW2's sales. After that, it'll depend on which you enjoy more.

It will not PWN in sales, but it will PWN gameplay-wise. The maps in MW2 are literally a fraction of the size of BF:BC2 maps, sniping is amazing, flying helicopters and UAVs, it's just an amazing experience.
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#3 Fart_Storm
Member since 2008 • 519 Posts

I absolutely loved the first BF:BC game, I sunk an unimaginable amount of hours into the online portion. My only real complaint about it was the lack of weapon customization like in Modern Warfare. I have been playing MW2 for a while, and it is ok. I just downloaded the BF:BC2 demo, and it is great. With some sort of weapon customization (red dot, scopes, etc), better graphics, and more maps, I fully believe that BF:BC2 will PWN MW2. AMIRITE?

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#4 Fart_Storm
Member since 2008 • 519 Posts

I used to freaking love the old X-Wing and Tie Fighter games, and especially X-Wing Alliance. Does anyone else wish that they would bring these as downloadable content to the PS3 or 360? It seems that the controls could be mapped pretty well to the 360 or PS3 controllers, and the file size would certainly be small.

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#5 Fart_Storm
Member since 2008 • 519 Posts


I know that so many people here like to act like Backwards Compatibility doesn't matter, but to me it matters a lot. I have close to 40 PS2 games, and I don't have enough inputs in my tv to have a ps2 connected as well, and I hate the wired controller. I bought a 60gig PS3 used, just for the BC. I really wish Sony hadn't lied to its customers and taken out BC, I really mean it. The 160gig PS3 with full BC would be the ultimate gaming console ever.


Hey, it's this guy!

You really should post more often (can't believe I'm saying that) but you are actually quite rational compared to the cows we got here now.

I would post more often, but a while ago I was threatened to be perma-banned if I ever got modded again. Since people used to report me for every thread that I ever made, I just make a normal post every once in a while now.
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#6 Fart_Storm
Member since 2008 • 519 Posts

I know that so many people here like to act like Backwards Compatibility doesn't matter, but to me it matters a lot. I have close to 40 PS2 games, and I don't have enough inputs in my tv to have a ps2 connected as well, and I hate the wired controller. I bought a 60gig PS3 used, just for the BC. I really wish Sony hadn't lied to its customers and taken out BC, I really mean it. The 160gig PS3 with full BC would be the ultimate gaming console ever.

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#7 Fart_Storm
Member since 2008 • 519 Posts

very good game

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#8 Fart_Storm
Member since 2008 • 519 Posts

So I have been out of handheld gaming for a very long time. I own a Gameboy Advance (the original), and a lot of Gameboy Color and GBA games. I am not really interested in getting into the DS, but I will if there is a version that plays GBC and GBA games. Is there a newer handheld with backlighting that I can get that plays GBC and GBA games?

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#9 Fart_Storm
Member since 2008 • 519 Posts
[QUOTE="Fart_Storm"][QUOTE="110million"]Well of course everyone wishes they could play a wider range of games, but its about looking at things realistically, everyone wishes the 360 had no RROD, or that the PS3 was free and given away by Sony, or that Wii games magically downloaded into your console without having to buy them, now that would be cool, but not everything is realistic. savagetwinkie
But, realistically, the PS3 could very easily have BC. It is not some pipe dream- the PS3s of a year or two ago had it with no issues. Sony yanked it, plain and simple. It's not like I am asking for something huge here, but I just want them to include a low cost feature that they USED to include on their system. And why would they take out BC instead of wireless internet?? Wireless is probably much more expensive than BC, particularly software emulation.

i don't think they can do software emulation, could you imagine emulating difficult architecture on difficult architecture, to get software emulation its per game, thats how M$ does it and they are emulating things that are fairly similar so its not hard to do.

Dude, they already had software emulation (the 80gb PS3). THey took it out. They obviously can do it if they want to, and especially with software emulation it would be pretty cheap. However, Sony doesn't want to throw their loyal customers a bone. Even though the 360s BC is pretty incomplete, at least they have SOME BC!!
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#10 Fart_Storm
Member since 2008 • 519 Posts
Well of course everyone wishes they could play a wider range of games, but its about looking at things realistically, everyone wishes the 360 had no RROD, or that the PS3 was free and given away by Sony, or that Wii games magically downloaded into your console without having to buy them, now that would be cool, but not everything is realistic. 110million
But, realistically, the PS3 could very easily have BC. It is not some pipe dream- the PS3s of a year or two ago had it with no issues. Sony yanked it, plain and simple. It's not like I am asking for something huge here, but I just want them to include a low cost feature that they USED to include on their system. And why would they take out BC instead of wireless internet?? Wireless is probably much more expensive than BC, particularly software emulation.