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#1 DAndre982
Member since 2013 • 25 Posts

[b]Disclaimer:This will be a VERY ridiculously long read, please avoid if you don't want to read "a novel". I'd just like to say I do love this game. I only want the best for it, and many of the people playing it. I forsee me spending a ton of time playing it in the future, and I already have spent a ton of time on it. I just want it to be more enjoyable for everyone, so please feel free to logically disprove anything I say. [/b]

That being said, I think it's almost broken. Some might go as far as to say it's completely broken. Not only will I highlight every issue that breaks it for me, I'll say other things that aren't necessary but would improve the game (for me, at least). I understand that some of these things sort of are being addressed now, but I'm putting out things I think are current issues and I'm hoping to hear people's opinions. I know a lot are against buffing and nerfing, but I find that those are usually the ones that exploit OPness (haha) the most. Not all are like that, but from what I've experienced they make up most of those people. Please try to come at this with an objective stance, try out the different characters and guns for a while instead of going off what people do to you. I'll probably keep adding ideas.

I'll go quite in depth, and I hope you agree with me so that these things can be fixed. If not, please tell me why you disagree. And feel free to tell me I'm wrong (please have evidence though) or, suggest other fixes/ things that need fixes. Please don't dismiss the validity of everything if I'm wrong about something, and I'm sure I'll be. I'm trying to look at this from as unbiased a stance as possible, I use every weapon, I've done every mission and strike, I've played a reasonable amount of PVP, and I have every class level 20 or up. I also have friends who I play with and tell me of their experiences.

[b][u]TLDR PARAGRAPH:[/u][/b] So far, major issues I've seen with this game are in several aspects of it. There are transparency issues, balance issues, and issues with the game's mechanics, to put them in extremely broad groups. I put those in order of what's probably the easiest and fastest to fix. First and foremost, Bungie needs to disclose more of how the game functions. Then, they need to fix the balance of classes, guns, and enemies. Finally, things like loot (and how you get it) and mission structure should to be changed. There are also ideas not related to a specific fix at the bottom.

[u][b]Transparency:[/b][/u] We don't currently know how the game works, in many aspects. Most of the people playing the game have no idea why a lot of the stupid stuff that happens to them, happens, and sit there like "Why did I just get an uncommon item from my legendary engram?".

This could be applied to stats too. "What does it mean when my gun gives me +2 agility?" (probably nothing...) The descriptions on the items need to be improved, and hopefully they'll include numbers. What is the difference between armor and defense, and how do they work? What is the difference between a nearly full impact bar and a halved one? What is the attack stat? If Bungie just came out and explained a lot of this stuff, the issues with the game the people have would diminish. I'm talking everything though, it really isn't clear in the game. If the game uses a simple formula for damage, I should be able to easily calculate how much damage I'll do. We need concrete stats, shots per second, damage per bullet, reload time, range (in m), and recoil should be evaluted based on weapons of it's class, from very low, to low, to average, to high, to very high, or something like that. The bars could be kept, but these numbers need introducing. I've seen many games where the stat bars don't actually represent what the weapon does (notably Black Ops 2, when you put attachments on them).

Hell, even the descriptions things give often contradict each other. Like the Damage upgrade on weapons, it doesn't actually increase the amount of damage the weapon will do, just it's attack stat. ( http://www.bungie.net/he/Forum/Post/65472802/0/0 , for those of you who don't know how that [i]probably[/i] works) The amount of information available for the game is extremely small.

[u][b]Balance:[/b][/u] Where do I [i]even start?[/i] There are so many imbalances in this game... the guns... the classes... the enemies... it's ridiculous.


The Auto Rifle is the best, and the easiest to use, in the game. It has everything you'd want in a weapon. It's utterly ridiculous. In PVP and in PVE it dominates other weapons in usage and practicality. I'll have a ridiculously good percision weapon (for a percision weapon) and get pure headshots, but someone with an Auto Rifle will spray any enemy down faster, until stupid ranges. Virtually everyone uses these. The problem is partially that you can still headshot everything with a dumb amount of bullets. I had a large clipped Auto Rifle that could shoot empty in 4 seconds, and I could still put most of those bullets into something's head. Something nerfy needs to occur, but I'm not sure how to best fix them without making them underpowered.

Pulse rifles feel pretty balanced. I might be wrong, but they don't feel OP or UP. Maybe the Bad Juju needs a buff. Never used it, but my friend said it was somewhat lackluster. They are clearly the second best standard primary weapon. I do wish they had more ammo in the clip though.

Scout Rifles... I loved them in the beta. They were my quintessential Hunter gun (because Hand Cannons were terrible). But they got nerfed. With a high impact and slow firing Scout Rifle, I can't one shot even a dreg that's my level to the head. Wtf? It gets worse when you use them against stronger enemies, as you lay down headshot after headshot and it does nothing. Then your Auto Rifle buddy will spray the same kind of enemy down in 2 seconds. Plz buff, plz.

Hand Cannons. I'm somewhat satisfied with these, but they do need a buff. If I headshot a person in the crucible twice, I think they should die. They run ridiculously fast, and are shooting you as well. I have the highest impact you could possibly have, and it fires slow as hell. I can get probably 3 shots off before dying in a normal encounter if I'm lucky, and most of the time I'm not (goddamnit, Auto Rifles!). The problem is that you reload reasonably slowly, and often times you'll have a gun with 4-6 bullets. If it takes 4 shots to kill someone, you are screwed. And if you have a slow firing powerhouse, someone can kill you before it is even POSSIBLE for you to kill them.

I'm not sure why Sniper Rifles have such low impact. It's probably meant to be because they have 5x criticals instead of 3x, but I wish they just did more damage and only had like 4x criticals instead. Otherwise, they're pretty good. I just hate having to snipe something in the head several times to kill it. Most of the sniper rifles I find have like, 1/10th of the impact bar full. I have a hand cannon thats only missing 1/12th or so of the bar. If weak sniper rifles are going to be kept, there needs to be more ammo for them at the very least. I thoroughly dislike shooting a low-leveled vandal in the body with a sniper and it staying alive.

Shotguns are difficult. They seem very overpowered in PVP. I haven't used them much there, I'm too busy using the OP Auto Rifle while on my Titan. I've heard from many that they are horribly overpowered in PVP. I do get killed with them often. In PVE though, shotguns kind of suck. I could run up and barrel stuff headshot something with a shotgun, and chances are it won't die. And now I'm in melee range and I can't shoot until I cock the gun. Seriously, they are bad in PVE and generally unusable at higher difficulties. I'm thinking they need less spread and less range, but I'm not sure. Regardless, PVP nerf and PVE buff.

Fusion rifles are also difficult. They seem really freaking strong in both PVE and PVP, and are slightly marred by the fact they can't get crits. I think they're fine, but some might want a small nerf and I can certainly see that. The only time I can't one shot people with them is when my latency is so bad that either my bullets don't register until a while later, or people kill me before they actually shoot in PVP.

RPGs. I don't get them. I'll shoot someone nearly directly with a rocket that apparently rivals a nuclear warhead, but they don't die. Then someone blind-fires a rocket around a corner and kills me and someone else, even though I double-jumped out of the way. I think they're okay, but I don't see why someone would pick one of these over an MG. They might need a buff because I can easily get 5 kills with a bit of heavy ammo with an MG, but with a rocket (or two) I'm extremely lucky if I get 3. In PVE they're pretty balanced, if you're lucky enough to get enemies in a group.

MGs are definitely the go-to choice (if I gave myself one). I can easily go on 5-kill streaks every time I pick up heavy ammo with them. They need to be brought to the level of RPGs in some way, whether it's nerfing these or buffing the RPG.

Percision weapons need to be reworked. On enemies that are higher level, guns with lower damage seem to fare much better than guns with higher. The decrease is much more obvious on things that are meant to do a lot of damage.


How to approach this without starting flame wars? Hmm... I think the best class thus far is a Warlock in PVE (if you play LIKE a Warlock), and in PVP a Titan (if you play like a Titan). The most satisfying (not results-wise) is a Hunter. I mean playing like the class is following the specific doctrines of them. Warlocks rely on recovery more than anyone else. They are medium range, so suited for a Pulse/Fusion/RPG combo. Optimally, they pop out of cover, take a bit of damage, and pop back in repediately. Titans rely on armor. They are close range, so suited for an Auto/Shotgun/MG combo. Optimally, they power up to people close enough and melee/shotgun, and at farther ranges they auto rifle. That leaves Hunters, who kind of suck unforunately. They are supposed to rely on agility. They are either close or long range, and suited for a Cannon or Scout/Sniper/RPG combo. Optimally, they have two different strategies. One, is to use range and/or percision to quickly dispatch enemies with high damage crits. Another, is to use their speed to dodge and dance, all the while doing high damage with crits and melee. Somewhere into the second one campy invisibility is thrown in, for some reason. Most people don't play like their class, which is why you have differences. I think most choose a class because of the look or feel of it, or there is a subclass with something that they like. That's fine, but playing to the strengths of the class should make you do at least slightly better than someone who doesn't, at least in my opinion. It's a different kind of skill. In fact, it might be one of the only kinds, as most FPS's are drowned in latency so that what's happening in your instance is somewhat different than what's happening in someone else's instance. If two people go head to head and see completely different things but both do everything right, the winner is usually the one that lives closer to the server or has a better connection (wireless vs wired, one with their network only running the game vs. one with another person on something like netflix, etc.).

The base melee stats for the classes need to be reworked. It doesn't make any sense that the hunters have the weakest melee, and warlocks have the best and strongest. Warlocks have the highest melee range, and the most damage, and they don't get pulled stupidly close to the enemy. Titans have the second highest damage, and I'm not sure how the range compares to the hunter's but I believe it's shorter. Hunters have the lowest damage, and possibly the second most range. I could certainly be wrong on parts of this, I haven't exatly ran comprehensive tests, but I'm feeling fairly solid here. I think the base melee's should all have the same damage, but maybe different quirks. The Hunter might get even more extra damage for a percision melee. The Warlock could keep it's lack of pull (i.e. it doesn't have to warp close to melee) or it's range. The Titan could knock the enemy back, or get extra non-percision damage.

The melee abilities need reworking too. Right now, the Hunters also have the worst ones. The throwing knife... it doesn't have a flaming attribute so in Solar Burn you find yourself lacking (you can upgrade it, but it doesn't turn the inital hit damage into solar, just adds a weak burn). I think it should be more powerful. Maybe depending on armor, it should be a one-hit headshot kill in PVP. The only usable ability with it is knife juggler, which means no passive flame burn. I can't tell you how many times I've thrown it on accident, thinking it wasn't ready or going to like stab a friend and forgetting I had it. The blink strike is utterly stupid. You either get to spam it every 5 seconds, turn pointlessly invisible for a pointless amount of time, or get a backstab that doesn't work most of the time. The range it gives you is either the same as the Warlock melee, or slightly better. This is in contrast to: a damage boosting punch that can either be potentially spammed, recharges their super crazy fast, or does splash damage; another fist that gives you a shield and boosts weapon handling, makes you pop out orbs of light on melee kills while the shield is active, or makes the shield recharge; a ridiculously ranged force push that recharges your grenade and either buffs your movement and handling, heals you, or recharges your super as well; and another ridiculously ranged force push that does DOT and either reduces incoming damage, grants knockback, or makes them explode. With those choices, the Hunter melee is clearly the worst.

In terms of supers, it really depends. In PVP, the Hunters win, but Warlocks are also really good, followed by the Titans. In PVE, the Warlocks win, and then Titans, and followed (at a distance) by Hunters. In PVP, the golden gun is pretty much a guaranteed kill if activated properly. I think it's somewhat balanced, but it does need less range. Perhaps at a reasonable distance it should require a headshot for a kill. I don't think you should be able to spam lunge with arc blade, it should remain the same but in order to lunge you need to be at blink strike distance and then stab. For warlocks, Radiance is kind of ridiculous.. if someone activates it, they don't die, or they can resurrect behind you, or can let everyone else spam abilites around them. I think it's still okay though, I just wish that if I hit someone in Radiance directly with a rocket they died. The Nova Bomb is impossible to escape. If I double jump out of the way, I die anyway. Same thing goes with the Fist of Havoc. The Fist of Havoc is impossible to escape, even in the air. It doesn't require aiming, and can be panic-activated and grants you a ton of damage resistance. To fix this, I think the FoH and Nova Bomb should be dodge-able in the air, with the FOH being easier to dodge. If I can react fast enough to jump out of the way (twice!), I should take heavy damage but not immediately die. Finally the Defender. It is semi-useless in PVP, unless you camp inside with a shotgun. I think the buff it gives you should last outside of the buble for a short time, and grant assists to the Defender. And instead of orbs for using it, the orbs should be based off the kills you or others get in/around it. It should function essentially the same way in PVE. In PVE, the Golden Gun needs to do more damage. I don't even think it crits (I hardly pay attention to the numbers when using it, but against Sepiks Prime it doesn't for sure). All of my sniper rifles outdamage my golden gun. It is also terrible for orbs of light. It should drop based on damage done relative to enemy HP (i.e. you get orbs depending on how much damage you actually DO, not overdamage. This should be taken before level modifiers, and yellow shield modifiers). The only usable upgrade is really Gunfighter, which reduces the cooldown, which sucks because I never really end up using it anyway. Using the Arc Blade in PVE is liable to get you killed, because the enemies will melee rape you anyday. The invisibility is pointless, and the other two abilities for it suck. It's terrible for orbs of light as well. Killing hordes of enemies, using the only usable ability (the shockwave one) gives very few orbs. The Nova Bomb is fine, FOH is fine, and Radiance is fine.

Grenades. Most subclasses have only one really usable grenade. The Titan overall, IMO, has the best ones and the greatest variety. The Warlock has the second best, and the Hunter has terrible ones. The Seeker grenades are so generic, I feel like they should be replaced in many cases, or at the very least buffed. The grenades that stick to you never work for me in PVP, they just hit people and fall off. In PVE, they really only take out one enemy (and that's only sometimes) because of their weak splash. The Titan clearly has the best sticky, the magnetic grenade. For some reason, the land mine does more damage to me than it does to enemies I'm trying to kill with it (especially if I stick them and at massive distance), and the detection is really bad for it. The incendiary grenade is just bad, it doesn't kill if someone crouches on it and soaks up all the DOT. The Arcbolt is mediocre, but the best of the options displayed for Bladedancers. The Spike grenade, I've never gotten to work. The suppressor is very interesting, and could potentially be used in great ways. The Flashbang is overpowered, it does a ton of damage and blinds for a while. The Pulse Grenade does a lot of damage, but isn't nearly as overpowered as the Lightning Grenade, which does 100 damage 4 times in PVP (kills people in 2 pulses). The Vortex feels slightly OP, as well as the Solar. The Scatter is interesting, as it sort of carpet bombs an area. I haven't used it enough to gather a real opinion.

I'm going to talk about the classes specific attributes now. Agility is the most terrible of them all. It should either do it's job better (faster running and higher jumping), or manifest itself in more ways, like better weapon handling, higher jump acceleration, and more control in air. There is no reason not to max out recovery and armor on your character thus far. Titans get the best of this because their main is armor and secondary is recovery, and then warlocks because their main is recovery and secondary armor. I wonder why Hunters get agility, even though they are for some reason speced for camping (their special is a sniper rifle, they get crouch invisibilty)?

The abilites are unbalanced too. The Blade Dancers get a choice between increasing the duration of their pointless invisibility, weapons being ready faster after stabbing (...), and barely increasing sprint speed and slide distance. They also get a campy crouch initiation for their invisibility (you have to crouch for longer than you get to stay invisible, and you can't move AT ALL, even to aim, while initating it. Sorry those of you for lazy controllers), a kill for time extention on Arc Blade, and self-heal for kills with the terrible Blink Stike and the PVP-oriented Arc Blade. It is insanely difficult to choose between the last two, because they go together so well and when you choose one, Arc Blade kind of sucks without the other. The Gunslinger has the two no-brainers of Gunslinger's trance (3x stackable stability buff for percision kills) and Chain of Woe (3x stackable reload speed buff for percision kills). It sucks because the rest of the abilites are okay, but those two have unbeatable synergy for PVE. For PVP, the abilites all become mediocre. For Strikers, first and foremost, shoulder charge needs a PVP nerf. It should not be an instakill (maybe only if they headshot jump-knee you with it). The last three abilites for the striker are all good, and in the first tree, it's between Aftermath (Increases the duration of Pulse Grenade, Shock Grenade (???), and Aftermath), and Transfusion (melee kills immediately trigger health regeneration. In Defenders, all of the abilities they get are varied and balanced, and depend on your gameplay. The same thing goes for the Sunsinger, and the Voidwalker.

The jumps are somewhat unbalanced as well. Double jump, triple jump, and blink are clearly the worst jumps. Sure, they all give rapid acceleration, but they don't go nearly as high or far and are the hardest to control. Something needs to be done to remediate this, just completely not sure what. I think blink should be based off of where you are looking instead of momentum, that makes it more practical, slightly harder, and more rewarding. Maybe double jump should boost you up significantly, depending on when you use it, instead of just being another jump. Triple jump doesn't seem to give any more height, which is odd.

I've realised that it seems that I think the hunter sucks and needs buffs. Many would disagree, but what I'm saying comes from the pre-tense that the person is playing like an actual Hunter (or at least lore-wise, huntery). Anyone can do good camping invisible with a shotgun next to an objective, but headshotting people with a hand cannon several times,or sliding past them to stab them in the back is difficult, and not nearly as rewarding as it should be.


The changes need to be done in a way that pretty much maintains the game difficulty, or something else needs to be added to make up for the lessened difficulty.

Oh my god, minotaurs. Why. They need a critcal point, it just has to happen. They rapidash-port up to you, and just punch you in the face while you whittle away at their shields, wondering why they won't die. Then you manage to get it off, and realize, I have a percision weapon. Nothing changes here in terms of my damage output... and dead. Every enemy should have a critical point (shanks and shriekers too), or maybe there should be an enemy that is only difficult BECAUSE it doesn't have a critical point, not a power-hungry rapebeast like the minotaur.

The Majors and Ultras need to be changed. So far, they only take 50% headshot damage, meaning percision weapons suck against them that much more.

And those enemies generally have shields, so no percision damage for half of their life. It's horrible when you use your whole clip to remove the shield on something, and then reload and their shield is back up.

Please add different kinds of weapons. Basically, every enemy weapon is either something splashy, something snipy, or heat-seeking. It makes cover so damn hard to use, and leaving cover so damn hard. I don't want to die because I can't move, and can't stay still.

Spawning needs to be changed. Enemies often pop up RIGHT behind you.

Wire and Line rifles need a lil nerf. They put you in deep red in one hit usually, and all someone needs is some splash or heat seek to finish you off.

Enemies shouldn't be able to spam super-powerful splash weapons.

Too many enemies get super-powerful splash weapons. It also really sucks when you are going against several snipers, because they don't really miss.

Splash shouldn't hit you as easily in deep-cover.

The melee's need major nerfing, especially the bosses ground stomping. If I jump clearly before, a ground stop should NOT instakill me. It shouldn't even instakill me unless it hits me directly.

Something needs to be changed about Shock Pistols and Rifles with Arc Burn. They curve around cover and instakill you.

[u][b]Mechanics:[/b][/u] Many of the game mechanics need serious fixing as well.

Most people are unsatisfied with the fact that every mission is "Go here, shoot, do a ghost scan, shoot, shoot boss". I can't see that getting fixed anytime soon, but hopefully later on different structures of missions are used. Hopefully some stuff more like things in the public events. Hell, they could throw in public event-esque things into the missions, to add variety. More (creative) mission modifiers could definitely help, and you should be able to choose some of them.

You get absolutely nothing extra for doing a mission on a higher difficulty after the first time. There is absolutely zero practical incentive to play on anything besides the lowest difficulty when doing a mission for a bounty (or fun).

The drop rate of items needs to be changed. The drop rate for things should be higher on more difficult enemies, and lower on easier enemies, depending on your level. And generally, only higher enemies should drop good loot, and weak enemies drop dismantle fodder. Like I said earlier, there is no real reason to do a mission on any difficulty harder than the base one. Extra difficulty should be more rewarding. Modifiers should be taken into account.

I hope more of the story is revealed in the future. Right now, it's quite barebones. One of the temporary solutions to this would be to let people see the grimoire cards in-game.

The latency in the crucible is TERRIBLE. Often times, I'll stab someone twice or something akin to that, and then they'll kill me. A second or so later, they die (apparently from me). I get killed with shotguns, and then hear the sound of the shotgun firing half a second later. It desperately needs to be fixed. I think it might be the game's netcode, but I have no idea. There is also a ton of lag, and when it spikes I often get booted from the game with centipede or something. If not, people teleport around unreceptive to damage, which isn't a great alternative.

I'm often getting kicked from the game. I'll be able to reconnect easily, but I just loose connection for a second and lose a ton of progress because of this. No other games boot me like this, hell this game often disconnects me from Xbox Live, which never happens as a result of the game.

A lot of the bounties don't make sense. If the salvage event isn't running, there shouldn't be a bounty for it. They need to be re-evaluated as well. Some are worth too little, some are too much, and many of them are ridiculous and go against the spirit of bounties. Stopping Power, That's How I Roll, Target Practice, and The Undying come to mind. Finishing those would probably take someone a disproportionally longer amount of time compared to all of the other bounties, and you get crap.

Loot needs to be less random. Sometimes weapons and armor you get have upgrades that are completely useless, (I'm looking at you not requiring a full trigger pull to fire!). If Bungie at LEAST went and specifically designed to the legendary stuff and chose upgrades that would make sense, then you could actually hope for a specific cool gun instead of waiting for pure luck on top of pure luck. Instead of luckily getting a legendary, and luckily getting a good one, you would just luckily get a legendary and it would actually be good already. Maybe they don't even need to go in and change it specifically, just give each type of type of weapon a pool of upgrades to randomly select. For example, the pool for a high damage but low clip hand cannon might be fast reload after percision kill, random bullet does extra damage, and quick reload speed when the clip is empty. Usually the guns fit into these categories (e.g. Auto Rifles: Spray and pray, in-betwen, and slow firing with higher damage). I'm not saying that the upgrades in the pool can't intersect. Maybe there could be one weapon of each sub-subcategory that still was random.

Invisible walls are a massive no-no. So is killing you on a boundary-timer. There need to be actual reasons I can't go there, not the game telling me "No".

Weapons need to be more accurate in the air. I'm not saying you should be able to snipe someone while jumping, I'm just saying if I'm 5 feet away from a dreg and I aim a handcannon at it's head and fire, the bullet should hit.

I think the cabal should have kinetic armor instead of elemental shields. You should be able to shoot off armor to reach crit points or something like that.

Different kinds of boss fights should be added, instead of just shoot the big thing in the crit point, and stay away from the little guys. It would be interesting to see a boss that isn't massive, but is exceedingly fast or something. There could be many ways to go with that.

There should be real stealth. I doubt this could be implemented more than anything else thus far, but advertising the Bladedancer as a stealth class and then giving them stealth equivalent to that of it in GTA V (notoriously in-existant). It would be very interesting to take out a group of enemies without them noticing you.

I hope the skill tree is restructured. It is mediocre as is.

[u][b]MY SUGGESTIONS[/b][/u]

This section is for things I'm suggesting that aren't related to a specific fix or have value outside of a fix. I can easily say I don't see how many of these would be implemented or are realistic at all, but it isn't up to me in the first place. Some of them are probably impossible to include, others could only be included in DLC or something of that gravity, but hopefully some are genuinely useful.

There needs to be more storage space. A lot of us are collectors, and choosing between a full inventory and having to recycle stuff in battle that we might want isn't fun. And there should be more seperations for easier navigation, like Titan Armor, Pulse Rifles, Emblems, etc. Maybe each character could have their own vault, and then there is the one for sharing?

I think you should be able to store bounties. You shouldn't be able to store that many, and you can't store two of the same kind. Maybe they lost all progress when going into storage or something? I don't know.

There should be two (or more) weekly bounty that rewards you with something cool but is either really difficult or has several steps. One for each event going (now, it'd be 3, 1 for vanguard, 1 for crucible, 1 for Queen's Wrath).

More public events, with extra variety. More randomness too, instead of the lame cycle. Almost kind of public event should be able to happen at any part of the map.

The glimmer cap is way too low, only 25k! I get 5k glimmer really quickly without trying.

Increasing your cryptarch rank should do something instead of just giving you a gift. Perhaps it needs to be leveled more slowly or something, but it isn't really rewarding enough.

Shops should sell better stuff, at least ocassionally. And they should sell level 20 stuff only when you reach a higher level, not 18, 16, and 14.

Perhaps the shops could sell ordinary stuff, and have one super expensive item that you can only buy once per character.

The vanguard armory should upgrade from 10 to 15 and 20. It should also sell full armor sets, not just helmets.

Some vendors should sell more stuff, like the cryptarch.

For shops that don't cycle their loot, there should be a set of items that do cycle (most notably the shaders).

There needs to be a way to customize your appearance after making the character.

More uses for glimmer, I go and waste it to not hit the cap because there is nothing else to do with it.

I, for one, would be fine for races having boosts. It could be something like Human + ??? Agility, Exo + ??? Armor, and Awoken + ??? Recovery. Probably just enough to max out the attribute bar with whatever class the race makes most sense as (Human/Hunter, Awoken/Warlock, Exo/Titan. Look at the grimoire cards people). This would still allow you to make a tanky warlock, or a fast titan, or a quickly recovering hunter, or any mix of those you want. If this were to be added, racial changes should be allowed at least once for every character. It irritates me how all 3 races are pretty much the same thing. They are innately different, one is human, one is a ROBOT, and one is a mysterious space-elf. How are they the same, other than being (for the most part) on the same side and having the same body shape?

I am also a fan of giving classes incentives to play like their class via buffs or abilites. The incentives don't even have to be large enough, just enough to make a hunter that rather spray and pray with an auto rifle and shotgun consider being a Titan, or trying out snipers and hand cannons/scout rifles, but not nearly enough to discourage them from being a hunter and doing what they are already doing. The bonus could be applied numerous ways, like only allowing that class to upgrade that weapon, some kind of passive buff with it, or giving that class armor that boosts those kinds of guns. Part of the reason for this is to actually give characters roles in fights, another is to prevent everyone from spamming shotguns and auto rifles, and another is to make the game less random. What I mean by the latter is on a hunter, you are just as likely to get armor that increases reload speed of fusion rifles as you are snipers. Basically, in the game they want to give you choice, but the chances are that if you get a good set of guns, your armor won't work with them, and vise versa. Hell, if they wanted to give you the choice to do whatever with your character no matter the class, why even have classes? Why not have one character with a ton of different upgrades, and different trees, that can do the different jumps and choose different melees and supers and what not? The synergy would be better, you'd have more choice, and you would be able to perfectly reflect your gameplay style. And perhaps eventually, the game would decide what sort of gameplay style that is depending on the choices you made/make, and that's how you could have that kind of "same-class unity" with people. If the class-incentives were implemented, the breakdown would optimally go like this. Hunters are the best with hand cannons or scout rifles, snipers, and RPGs. Warlocks are the best with Pulse Rifles, Fusion Rifles, and RPGs. Titans are the best with Auto Rifles, Shotguns, and MGs. The justification for these choices are ranges, percision level (Hunters=High/Short-Long, Titans=Close, Warlocks=Medium), as well as an array of other things.

Something that goes with the last suggestion is to make Snipers heavy and hand cannons special. Of course, this would require rebalancing and fixes. The hand cannons could have special buffs and be really speced for close range power. Some things that could make them good is great hip fire or fast switch to time, things of those natures. If this were to occur, the split would be Scout Rifle/Hand Cannon/Sniper Rifle for hunters.

The upgrade system being changed could be a somewhat suitable alternative (although it could be implemented alongside) to the previous class incentive suggestion. If you could choose between several upgrades instead of the one or two main ones, that would help significantly (especially if the randomness of the guns was decreased). There should be more upgrades to choose between, ones that do varying things.

Primary weapons should be able to do elemental damage, somehow, either via high-level weapons coming with it innately, or some weapons requiring an upgrade.

Elemental damage should work like it does in Borderlands or something, at the very least not be confined to SHIELDS. At the very least, things with random shields should be changed, like the Shanks with Solar shields, the Knights with void, and the Harpies with Arc.

It would be quite interesting if there was an ability that let a weapon switch between the 3 damage types.

I think that you should get the option between all the different sights for that kind of weapon instead of 3 random ones. And I think that the hand cannon sights need more variation. I can't tell any difference between them.

I believe certain armors aren't affected by shaders. There should be an option that forces them to be. Also, there should be an option that forces guns to be affected by shaders, or there should be specific gun camo's.

That empty third subclass slot needs to be changed. I'm hoping a third subclass is added, void for Hunter, Arc for Warlock, and Solar for Titan. Otherwise, it just needs to be removed because that third spot is a tease.

Kinetic damage should also be special in some way, instead of being the clear worst.

There should be actual Ghost Shells in the game. To my knowledge, there are only two, the starter one and the one that comes with Limited Edition.

It would be interesting to be able to use different melee animations somehow. Like the hunter might be able to exchange knives or something.

Golden Gun should just turn whatever primary you are currently using gold. For instance, a golden scout rifle or golden pulse rifle. The bullets and damage the weapon does of course would need to be ajusted, but I think it is a very interesting idea. The fact that a gold hand cannon just pops out of nowhere is lame for me. The Arc Blade is an arc-light enchanted hunter-knife, so that would not only be plausible but would also be a lot cooler.

Some kind of AI character/s that you have to go along with and protect or whatnot would be interesting. Like the marines in Halo.

There should be more dialogue with the Ghost like you get at the end of Venus and when going to the reef. That is the only part in the game that showcases your character having a personality (interesting if the dialogue/voice could be based off of race and class combination), and the relationship between you and your Ghost.

There needs to of course, be more locations. Some of the ones you can go to in PVP would be interesting. I hope these places have more variety, instead of just being all half-building half whatever environment. It would be better if they exploited verticality in the game. Examples: Jungles with treehouses, Mountains, City Outskirts, etc.

Warlock bonds need to be more obvious. Maybe titan marks as well. But as they are, they just look like accents on armor.

The factions need more depth. So far, what I understand is New Monarchy is heavily vested in the Suros Regime and has the most standing in the City. They want to have a leader, and want to remain on Earth and rebuff the Darkness. Dead Orbit desperately want to escape Earth and the Darkness. They feel as if it can not be beat, it is dug in too deep or is too powerful. The Future War Cult want to develop a military power to fight off the Darkness as well, but they feel as if it can't be beaten permanantly, that it will always return. They are secretive, and I think (?) they want to experiment in altering timelines.

For me at least, the races the representatives are make sense for the character and class that would want to join that faction. Awoken have already settled a place outside of the City (the Reef), and Warlocks seem to be the most afraid of the Darkness due to either intellectually understanding it or not being able to. The Future War Cult wants to be a military power, and Exo's (to me) seem the most soldier like and in that manner submissive, as well as the Titans. The Hunters feel the strongest bond with the Wild, and therefore return to it via extinguishing the Darkness there. They also have obligations as Guardians, so the fastest means of fulfilling these obligations is to make a stand, eradicate the darkness, and reinstate a leader (not purely selfish, the faster the darkness is gone the better). Humans also want to rebuild civilization as fast as possible.

Some guns should have asthetic effects. I would love to see a Scout Rifle or Hand Cannon called "Dreg's Birthday Party" or "Thrall's Birthday Party", that on headshot, does an effect similar to Halo. There could be serious ones for sure, like a sniper that fires pure lightning or something.

I wish the grenades made a bit more sense. It makes a bit more sense if they are adapted to what each class would actually use. For the Warlocks, they should be disguised as magic, for Hunters gadgetry, and for the Titans they could easily remain grenades.

I wish they would go back to the old graphic they had for the unlocks on guns. It made more sense (It's this, but of course it would need to be updated. http://www.lightninggamingnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Destiny-HD-Full-E3-Gameplay-Footage-Inventory-Thunderlord-exotic-machinegun-Rolling-Thunder-.jpg ). The way it is right now is that there are just a bunch of random bubbles, it isn't clear at all you need to "purchase" the first thing before "purchasing" the next, even if you have the XP for it. Hopefully they design the skill tree to look like that as well.

Well, that essentially sums everything I think could fix the game up thus far. The rest is everyone else!

*Note: There are over 7,000 words and almost 40,000 characters, so if you legitimately read it all or at the very least did a decent skim then I greatly appreciate it.*

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#2  Edited By DAndre982
Member since 2013 • 25 Posts

I enjoy it, it's just fundamentally broken.