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#1 Cowing30
Member since 2007 • 450 Posts

i posted about this earlier in June. for some reason everytime i tried to updated SOCOM 4 the load bar would freeze then after awhile tell me that i had to check my network connection or it would disconnect me from the network. although it did eventually work there is now yet again a new SOCOM update and i again cant get it. i have been trying to update for days now. there is nothing wrong with my network because i am both able to play other PS3 games online such as Killzone 2, Demon Souls and Little Big Planet. i also am able to go on xbox live. is anyone else having this issue? i finally cracked and dropped $60 on SOCOM 4 and i can never play it (online) because of this.

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#2 Cowing30
Member since 2007 • 450 Posts

So now that PSN is back i decided to dust off the PS3 and went out and bought SOCOM 4 after playing it all weekend at a friends house.

i pop it in and after an hour an a half long system update it begins a SOCOM software update i believe its patch 1.02. at first it jumps to around 30% then just stops and the little timer on the side slowly climbs from 15 seconds to 230 minutes. so i turned it off and tried again same issue. again and again and again same issue. however some times i would get disconnected from the network.

i know the internet is fine because for one i had been playing xbox live not long beforehand and i was even able to pop in Killzone 2 and played a few games online to make sure it was functional.

so does anyone know what it wrong? is it a PSN problem? SOCOM problem? or something im doing wrong. any help would be great thanks.

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#3 Cowing30
Member since 2007 • 450 Posts

Thank you to all of those who gave actual answers. im definatly going to go with halo and left 4 dead sounds like it would be very fun. the intensity of the fast zombies would prolly scare the s*** out of her.

idk how this turned into MW2 bashing but you really cant bash it. it may not be as good as COD4 but its still a great game and a blast to play with your friends.

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#5 Cowing30
Member since 2007 • 450 Posts

So the other day my girlfriend calls me telling me she wants to learn how to play Call of Duty and see what all the fuss is about. Now mind you we have tried this briefly before where we played against eachother 1v1 and i attempted to teach her at the same time which as you can imagine didnt go well. My question is how do i go about teaching someone who doesnt play video games how to play an FPS?

My first step was to get her a little more familiar with playing with the controler so we played through Lego Batman together that being the simplest controls i can think of.This is currently her only real gaming experience.

My only idea at this point is to have her play through the campaign on the easiest difficulty and see if she can develope the ability to aim, shoot, and move.

Are there any other FPS games that would be better for beginners? I thought from a control standpoint Halo may be easierto learn seeing as how you dont aim down the sights, hold your breath, have perks or killstreaks or anything like that.but she did specifically ask for COD.

Any help would be appreciated.

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#6 Cowing30
Member since 2007 • 450 Posts

and over time it will just got back to full pure?

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#7 Cowing30
Member since 2007 • 450 Posts

i have a fully good/pure character and im tryin to open all of the demon doors. one of them requires you to be corrupt. is it possible for me to ratchet up all of the prices and become corrupt to open the door and then put the prices back down so that i go back to pure?

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#8 Cowing30
Member since 2007 • 450 Posts

try not to give me to much crap for this but i was wondering if the new portal ending and achievements ive been hearing about are also on xbox 360 or just the pc version

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#9 Cowing30
Member since 2007 • 450 Posts

i have used the interactive map on and ive gone thru it one by one twice now and im still missing one! is there one not on this map?!?! is there one on the aircraft carrier? i dont get it. i hate that i took the time to find the rest of these and i still dont have em all. anyhelp would be appreciated

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#10 Cowing30
Member since 2007 • 450 Posts

i just feel like ive killed them so many times. plus ive never even seen a vultureling. i asume slasher is the small blue ones and berserker are the big guys