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#1 BatmanKapow
Member since 2006 • 192 Posts

I love some of the people 'if you don't like it it's probably because you suck', 'OMG stop complaining or quit' or 'there are no problems with it it's teh best online'.  Wonder why people quit playing the game?  The community is terrible.  Don't mind the part of the community that wants the flaws to be addressed (I could care less about the shotty, I'm talking the hit detection and lag).jdknight21

exactly. its a forum for a reason. whats with the need to go off the deep end because someone doesnt like something about a game? a good gaming community can bounce topics off of each other, and thus will eventually get the correct issues addressed. it just seems like with the 360, its becoming 2 very divided sides. what did everyone call each other before we all had that gem of a word "n00b"? were all the convos decent and everyone just took the high road and expressed their discontent without fear of being called an idiot or having their abilities questioned? the coorelation that someone must suck if they dont like something is way off base, and an easy option to call someone out on.

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#2 BatmanKapow
Member since 2006 • 192 Posts
shotgunners havent ruined the game. i dont think anything really ruined the game overall, but what turned me off fromt he game and made me trade it in after i beat it was the whole idea of a game starting and 3 of your teams players arguing or sprinting for a specific gun and some being left out in the cold. i know its just how it is, but in a team based game, i would like for my teammates to worry more about just winning than getting their sniper achievement. believe me, with over 17,000 points I'm guilty of collecting the things too (it's addictive.) but i always win first collect achievements second. so no i dont think shotgunner or snipes or any other weapon collectors ruined the game, but the focus on needing to get those weapons to get points alone, probably has had a negative impact. i just started playing rainbow six vegas and can say i like it more than gears online. the single player so far is maybe a notch below. but online is tops and the people you play with actually are helpful, not insulting. for whats its worth.
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#3 BatmanKapow
Member since 2006 • 192 Posts
it still isnt up
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#4 BatmanKapow
Member since 2006 • 192 Posts

I didnt play it much online, though friends and I got through the SP on insane. IMO - The Multiplayer is really limited by a few things. Off the top of my head:

1-No Respawning Deathmatches ( Halo 2 had it flaws and all, but one of the greatest moments in that game is being tied up 49-49 in a TDM and screaming at the TV if you won or lost that last kill. In GOW, sitting on the sidelines just isn't that much fun.

2-No Carrying over Game Lobbies? Really? It's kind of a waste to go back to the menu screen after every single game.

3-Why can't I play ranked matches with my friends? What's the point in making friends on xbl if I can't play with them in my games anyway?

This is just my opinion, but I really think this is why I already traded the game in. Once the WOW! factor is gone, and the SP is beaten, the MP just isn't deep enough to hold my interest. Anyone agree or disagree?

Gamertag - BatmanKapow


Like the designers of Gears and even Jeff of Gamespot here said; 'You have no idea what Gears is about'.

I get the feeling allot of people here just played Gears because it was hyped. Only so many people play that game because they really like how the game is. And you know it's true. I can give answers to all you're questions in a flash.

1. The game would lose the tactical fast pace purpose it has.
2. It's about being with random people and start playing as a team real fast, with the best teamwork you can come up with.
3. See number 2. Also, Player Matches.

If you don't like how Gears is played, then don't play it. This is how Gears is. If you don't like it why get the game and start complaining about it?

It's just like people complaining about you using every single weapon. 'Stop chainsawing! Stop using the pistol! Stop using the Torque Bow! Boomshot is so cheap! Beat down w*ore!' etc. etc.

If you don't like the things in the game or how the game is played, then don't play it. It's real easy.

I never said I dont like the game. And I dont need your advise on what to play and what not to play. And I didnt race out to buy the game like everyone else, I got a copy of it from Microsoft's expertzone. I paid 5 bucks for the game. And I'm pretty sure I know what the game is about, despite what you, Jeff from Gamespot (oooooo) or the dev team may think or say. All I was trying to say was that the game isn't as deep as other multiplayer games. As a gamer, I'd rather play with my friends, rather than random people, and I don't want or need my games to make that decision for me. I get the point, I get the logic behind it. I just felt that Epic was limiting the gameplay options by doing this. Also, the game is only so fast paced when it's 4 on 4. When it becomes 4 on 1 or 1 on 1, those left sitting on the sidelines are bored out of their skulls. You don't have to agree with my opinion, but you should at least respect it enough to not insult me. I get the point of the game, I'm not an idiot. I'm saying I don't like the point of the game. It gets old too quick for something as good as this game, because the gameplay itself is top notch.

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#5 BatmanKapow
Member since 2006 • 192 Posts

the part of condemned that jumps out at me is either the scene in the abandoned house with the rocking horse or whatever it was (it's been a few months, forgive me for not being as descriptive as I should be) or in the locker rooms when you find the body and the guys still alive.

good grief, that game's just as good as a quality horror movie. fear on the other hand... not sure why it got such high ratings. its a port of a dated PC title. It handles as such.

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#6 BatmanKapow
Member since 2006 • 192 Posts

send me an invite -


I play:

SVR07, R6V,COD2 & 3, Madden, GRAW, Lost Planet when it comes in the mail, MLB2k7 when it comes out, Crackdown when it comes out... and anything else I may or may not have. Open to all invites

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#7 BatmanKapow
Member since 2006 • 192 Posts

I didnt play it much online, though friends and I got through the SP on insane. IMO - The Multiplayer is really limited by a few things. Off the top of my head:

1-No Respawning Deathmatches ( Halo 2 had it flaws and all, but one of the greatest moments in that game is being tied up 49-49 in a TDM and screaming at the TV if you won or lost that last kill. In GOW, sitting on the sidelines just isn't that much fun.

2-No Carrying over Game Lobbies? Really? It's kind of a waste to go back to the menu screen after every single game.

3-Why can't I play ranked matches with my friends? What's the point in making friends on xbl if I can't play with them in my games anyway?

This is just my opinion, but I really think this is why I already traded the game in. Once the WOW! factor is gone, and the SP is beaten, the MP just isn't deep enough to hold my interest. Anyone agree or disagree?

Gamertag - BatmanKapow