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#1 21Link21
Member since 2008 • 175 Posts
O teah and also im an assassin so i have an invisiblity, will i actually turn invisable on the screen or what cuz ppl can still deect me it seems like?? the the "eye" still turns yellow and stuff??
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#2 21Link21
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I prolly sound dumb, but like i got turned into a vampire, and it gives you cool abilties but i cant use them it seems like, like a go to where it says, the night eye abilty for vampires and i press A and nothing happens same with like other abilties too?


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#3 21Link21
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I'll take that as a no. Ah well, I declare winnage by default.clicketyclick
Winnage? yep ok you win, bye... haha
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#4 21Link21
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[QUOTE="21Link21"]Ok ... Lets say Nintendo shows up at E3 and decides.. Meh lets just show umm... Wii Fit Plus,Wii Sports Resort,.... better yet they show up with nothing.. would you feel cheated or betrayed then, i bet you would. And thats how i and a bunch of other ppl feel when nintendo shows up with no zelda. Because they owed us it, esspecually with last years E3, and you cant tell me that it wasnt i big letdown.. for ppl to expect it for lasts years E3, and then to not get a new zelda this E3 tells the whole story, it should have been released, and now it doesnt even matter anymore, E3 is over, and im left waitingRocky32189
Nintendo showed a large amount of their 2009 and 2010 lineup, even games that likely won't ship until next fall. This means that Zelda will not be coming out until 2011. This means that they still have 1 or 2 E3 shows before the game comes out. They will show it then. Do you expect Nintendo to show every single game that will be released until the end of the Wii's lifecycle?

No of course not, i think ive already said i dont expect that, I AM SAYING that i expectED a new zelda to be shown, i think mario galaxy 2 could have waited ti'll next E3, i think the game looks awesome but, zelda was released about 2 years prior, and so Zelda definatly should have been there MAIN priority IMO, but look im tired of arguing about this and im sure will have fun again tommorow, but for now ill see you later.
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#5 21Link21
Member since 2008 • 175 Posts

Im as angry as the next guy about no zelda being shown, but it didnt come as a suprise to me, they announced zelda on DS and nintendo is crazy so in their heads, thats enough zelda to shut us up, what will erupt into a bloody riot would be if they dont show zelda NEXT E3, people would kill someone.


i did expect it tho..... hahahahaha---"what will erupt into a bloody riot would be if they dont show zelda NEXT E3, people would kill someone.haha lol

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#6 21Link21
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GabuEX---OooooooooooooOOOOOOOOhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh... Haha Again, I think Irish Scott already said it best as possible, if nobody gained from a trailer, then why would any trailers for anything ever be announced. I mean just randomly a random thing would be randomly put in stores and randomly bought, haha basically the game would be a mystery and, you'd be like,, haha, oh look the new zelda in stores now...

Yeah you need to come up with a better argument, and you dont cause you've said the same thing like 10 times,

Just like you said - trailers are made for the company's benefit. Not ours. They are created to be disseminated such that public awareness of the impending release of a game is increased. If the game isn't going to be released until a year from now, they have ample time to build that awareness. They had limited time at E3, and they chose not to show Zelda at this point in time. Miyamoto himself said that he'd have liked to show Zelda here, but they chose to focus on development instead of building a trailer for a game that is still a long ways away.

You already know the game is coming; you know it's in development; and you're presumablyi nterested in it. The only thing you would get from a trailer is a first look at the game that we're going to get whether we like it or not. You would either like it, or not like it, but either way the game that is coming will be the same. Would I have liked to see a trailer? Of course. Do I feel somehow cheated or betrayed from having not seen one? No. Why would I?

Ok ... Lets say Nintendo shows up at E3 and decides.. Meh lets just show umm... Wii Fit Plus,Wii Sports Resort,.... better yet they show up with nothing.. would you feel cheated or betrayed then, i bet you would. And thats how i and a bunch of other ppl feel when nintendo shows up with no zelda. Because they owed us it, esspecually with last years E3, and you cant tell me that it wasnt i big letdown.. for ppl to expect it for lasts years E3, and then to not get a new zelda this E3 tells the whole story, it should have been released, and now it doesnt even matter anymore, E3 is over, and im left waiting
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#7 21Link21
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Yeah you need to come up with a better argument, and you dont cause you've said the same thing like 10 times,

Alright, I'll bite. If only to defend Gabu's honour. Tell me, 21Link21, what do you think of the idea of 1:1 sword combat in Zelda? As in, instead of waggle (you played TP, right?) you actually swing the sword meaningfully. How do you feel about that?

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it would be cool i guess????? ok?? haha?????
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#8 21Link21
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GabuEX---OooooooooooooOOOOOOOOhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh... Haha Again, I think Irish Scott already said it best as possible, if nobody gained from a trailer, then why would any trailers for anything ever be announced. I mean just randomly a random thing would be randomly put in stores and randomly bought, haha basically the game would be a mystery and, you'd be like,, haha, oh look the new zelda in stores now...

Yeah you need to come up with a better argument, and you dont cause you've said the same thing like 10 times,

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#9 21Link21
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Why show a single thing ever then. There is always a metroid and a mario game in development as well. Star Fox was talked about before. Why mention half of any of the stuff they did? Why show God of War, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Zelda Spirit Tracks, Star Wars: Old Republic.. we knew all of these were in development. We all expected to see something about them at E3, thats what they do at the show. I was disappointed with Nintendo for not talking about it or showing it. You could assume that if it isn't shown then it is much further down the line, which would be disappointing as well. (PLEASE don't go into the whole let them finish it right and not hurry). OMG I remember complaints about Mario Galaxy, Brawl, etc... What the heck is wrong with expressing that disappointment... sorry I don't bow before the almighty Nintendo for they can do no wrong. I hold no allegiance to any company.. they are companies making products that I sometimes buy.

I never said it wouldn't have been nice to see some footage of the next Zelda, but people are acting as though Zelda being a no-show thus far means that Zelda isn't coming. I'm just saying people need to step back and take a reality check. Zelda is coming, and it will be whatever it will be. All we would gain from seeing a trailer is advance notice of what it will be; it would not change either the game or its release date in any way whatsoever. Not seeing a trailer at E3 does not mean that you will enjoy the next Zelda less.

hahaha---irishscott99-----Couldnt have said anything better, and GABUex, what a dumb thing to say,....I think irishscott just " pwned you noob" and no im not thinking that zelda wont come, but i do wanna see new things about the game, and nintendo has shown nothing. all we wanted was maybe a name, and a little 30 second trailer, Thats all, yet it was soooo hard for them to do that.
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#10 21Link21
Member since 2008 • 175 Posts

[QUOTE="drawoHocimauS"][QUOTE="Sepewrath"]Zelda isn't going anywhere, whether they announce it today or next year it wont make the game come out any faster. vdastampede
THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN WORKING ON IT FOR 4 YEARS NOW!!!!!!at least show us a teaser trailer or an actual trailer it doesn't take that long to make a freakin game for cruds sake!

Cuz that'll make us play it faster. GabuEx was right. Why can't you just be happy with what you have than whine about what you don't. You have your Zelda. You'll be getting your Zelda when it's done. In the meantime, lets play a game that is a sequel to one of the most popular games ever. Not enough? How about Metroid? No? Final Fantasy. Sin and Punishment. Kingdom Hearts.

I am actually sitting here LOL, Yeah of course, i love all the announcements,and happy with everything that was released. but all of the ppl defending nintendo act like zelda isnt over do for an announcement, and it ticks me off, Zelda needed to be announced, and it didnt. I dont know why, its not like they havent had... IDK how many years, and i can't believe im trying to convince?? W/E all of you guys will call the ppl who are RIGHTFULLY ANGRY babies but whatever im done. Wii Fit Plus Oh yeah........ Thats what everyone was hoping for........ This was me this morning--- Wii Fit 2,Wii Fit 2,Wii Fit 2,Wii Fit 2,Wii Fit 2,Wii Fit 2,..... WOW