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#1 --Ryu--
Member since 2008 • 232 Posts

In the console type /r_fullscreen 1.

If you want to go back to windowed mode type /r_fullscreen 0.

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#2 --Ryu--
Member since 2008 • 232 Posts
I don't know why you only see 4 servers because there are still many active. Most people that did populate the BF2142 servers probably went back to BF2. Frontlines doesn't have very many people playing. It is a decent game though.
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#3 --Ryu--
Member since 2008 • 232 Posts

The maps are generic and not very memorable. Destruction doesn't really add any immersion for me to an already lacking map design. I agree that the sound is good. Now only if they put that much effort into the rest of the game it would of turned out better. The whole frontline combat is iffy. Most games I played no one really worked together due to the way squads are poorly handled. Also the lack of communication options such as voip and a readable chat really hurts the game.

If it was a budget game I wouldn't complain but this is $50 we're talking about. Not worth it. Maybe down the road when they fix the game but not now. Save your precious monies.

I completely disagree. The maps in Frontlines are miles better than say Battlefield 2142 or Battlefield 2. Invasion is probably one of the best maps I've played in a large scale FPS.
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#4 --Ryu--
Member since 2008 • 232 Posts

I hated it for the first hour I played it, mainly due the fact I was in a 64 person server that was quite laggy. After moving onto a smaller sized server with around 32-40 players the game flow is much better. The map design in this game is fantastic. The levels feel alive, and the touch of destructable objects and set pieces makes the explosives feel more powerful. I honestly can say I really like this game now.

I hope those of you who are very weary of the game give it a shot. I think if you like battlefield you will really like this. The great thing about this game is that it is very hard to not be in a constant firefight. Being that everyone is at the "frontline" it gets pretty intense. The sound scope is phenominal, with gun fire, bullets zipping past your head, explosions, vehicle engines rumbling, AA fire blasting away, and the screams of falling troops all accompining each other to make the battlezone feel alive. I'm sure my Sennhieser 555s help quite a bit, but none the less the sound is very impressive.

I have a few gripes about the game though. The sniper needs to be toned down, as it is such an easy weapon to use. They need to add sway, more recoil after a shot, slower firing rate, make the clip size to 4, or something to make the gun a little less over-powering. Also, the grenade launcher on the assault rifle needs to be toned down. Right now the assault rifle itself is great weapon for medium-long ranges. With the grenade launcher it is also a great weapon for close range. People use the grenade launcher like a shotgun. I feel as though the grenade launcher should be used as a device for finishing off someone you have wounded with bullets, making it effective for when people try and duck or run behind cover. I haven't seen anyone use the shotgun, or at least I haven't been killed by it yet, because the grenade launcher is just so damn powerful there isn't any need for the shotgun. I haven't used the shotgun myself so my opinion might be skewed.

With some gameplay tweaks I can see this game being a huge hit as soon as the positive words, like mine, are spread throughout forums. I hope I have shed some more light about this game and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

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#5 --Ryu--
Member since 2008 • 232 Posts
No, the analog movement is messed up. In order to get it to work you need to download a program called XPadder. It is extremely easy to setup and works perfectly. My roommate uses it when we play TF2 together, because he likes controller better.
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#6 --Ryu--
Member since 2008 • 232 Posts
MP > SP.
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#7 --Ryu--
Member since 2008 • 232 Posts

I've only used Steam.

With steam you have an account that you log into when you start Steam. When you purchase a game off of Steam it is tied with your account, meaning that you don't have to worry about CD-keys. As long as you remember your login information, have an internet connection, and have Steam on your computer you can redownload the game as much as you went if you uninstall or reformat.

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#8 --Ryu--
Member since 2008 • 232 Posts

The idea behind Turning Point: Fall of Liberty is pretty cool, especially if you are very patriotic, but the game is dissatisfying.

The Front Lines: Fuel of War beta on PC was a run-of-the-mill large player based objective shooter. If you are craving something like Battlfield but don't want Battlfield itself, pick this game up.

The only way I would recommend lost is based off someone elses comments. He stated he really liked the game because he is a huge Lost fan, and that it is really cool to see all the characters and interact with them in a video game.

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#9 --Ryu--
Member since 2008 • 232 Posts

The guns will get dead on accurate the farther you get into the game. If you already are liking it and have only played for about 2 hours, you are going to end up loving this game once you put more time into it.

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#10 --Ryu--
Member since 2008 • 232 Posts
The next Counter-Strike will be released with Half Life 3. Note, not Half Life 2: Episode Three but Half Life 3. You heard it here first.