Fun enough as all the past PES games, yet with the same mistakes as the past PES games

User Rating: 7.5 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 PC
This game presents yet another graphics update, and it has become far more realistic, specially at the first time you play it. Same with the animations, they look great first but you'll end up finding them robotic. Which is bad...

The game itself is quite funny, reason why I still play it, and the only reason the game keeps itself with decent review overall.

But the major flaws are still there. They will be there. No one is noticing: EVERY SINGLE LITTLE BUG on the gameplay.

- Balls reboucing oddly
- Bad animations for some parts
- Long through passes are badly directioned
- Special dribbles (marseille rouletes adn the likes...) impossible. Much effort/not made to the keyboard. Useless.
- Long passes on BAL mode make you run directly into them, no matter where you run to
- Clumsy dribbling for player with less than 75 dribble acc. Aweful.
- Predictable AI, begins ultra hard becomes easy mode after experiencing it
- Stupid goalkeeping saves
- Bad sense of urgency from the defenders in some situations. If you get too close to the area, they close down. If you are in it, there's a lack of bigger pressure + tackles to get it away.
- THE FUC*ING SHOTING 1VS1 WITH THE KEEPER. IT GOES DIRECTLY INTO THE MIDDLE 80% OF THE SHOTS IF YOU'RE CLOSE TO THE NET. How they didn't fix it over 9 thousands versions after the first launch of PES is beyond my comprehension.

Many little things that make this game bit after bit less unplayable. Yet it can be fun and rewarding at some times.

On Become A Legend mode:

- Bad player camera
- Salary = useless and meaningless
- No way to control how your stats will be, except by choosing boots (speed/shooting) (Hi dribble accuracy 60, now I'll probably load up a new game! Maybe lucky next time)

On Master League mode:

- Scouting is good
- The fees to develop "this and that" (medic/youth formation/scouting) are run-of-the-mill, and imply no gestion. Eventually you'll have it all maxed out.
- Some players take decades just to NEGOTIATE and eventual transfer. Hi Pato, Haedo Valdez, Javi Martinez, etc. I won't even think about Ronaldos or Messis.