The "beautiful game" is finally beautiful.

User Rating: 8.5 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 WII
I've never been a fan of watching football. I don't follow the teams. I don't make sure I watch all the major games. I'm not even a football games fan. But Pro Evolution on the Wii is in a leauge of its own.

In case you havn't noticed by now, the whole big thing about PES 08 on the Wii is the control scheme. The game incorporates a control scheme that wold be impossible on any other system. Basically, by use of a click and drag system, you can control any player on the screen. And yes it does sound complicated, but it really isn't. Once you get used to it, it is the most natural thing. Of course the real beauty of the controls is the fact that it is simple to learn, but difficult to master.

The cutscenes in the game are also brilliant. It adds a whole new depth of realism with opening sequences and surprisingly rewarding goal celebrations. (Although somtimes disturbingly gay)

The graphics are frankly the best that I've seen in any third party wii game. The faces of the players look real, and express real emotion.

The sound is all that you can expect from a football game. That chanting of the crowd. And the crowd respond appropriatly towards what is going on in the game. There is also the commentary, which at times seems quite insightful. Although of course the commentary does get a bit repetitive. But I'm going to be quite positive about the commentary, not because of whether it gets repetitive or not, but because of how long it takes before it gets repetitive.

To finish I must say that I've never jumped out of my seat at a goal before. But I have now!!