The easiest game I played, but it's still fun.

User Rating: 6.5 | Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands PS3
I have to say that I have played all Prince of Persia installments, and I was happy to hear they were making a new game based on the sands of time trilogy, but also scared because I thought they would destroy its great story.

Well, it took me a while to play the game (there were so many other great games to play before this one), but when I finally got to it was a relieve to find out that even though the time power and the graphics resembled the older trilogy, the story had nothing of it.

Of course you play as the Prince of Persia, you won't see Farah anywhere around, he'll mention her briefly in one his many comments trough the game. Like other games the Prince is really agile and can do all sorts of acrobatics, and that is really the fun in the game. At the beginning of the game you'll get a water freeze power that makes the platforming very interesting.

However, as I said in the title, the game is very easy, if you have already played other Prince of Persia games the platforming will be a breeze and if not, well it's not that hard to get used to. The combat is ridiculous, all enemies are very slow and even the bosses are super easy. The only part it gets a little challenging, and by that I mean I had to play two or three times and finally use the time power for real, was at the very end of the game where the platforming gets very different from older installments.

The story isn't that good, I didn't really like the was the Prince gets his powers, and since I don't want to spoil anything let's just say that the way you get the Prince's powers trough the game would make more sense if he had gotten them at the very beginning. The voice acting is pretty go, the tone the actors use really makes you feel the ambient of the game, but there is one character that wasn't crafted that nice, so every time she speaks it fells awkward.

As far as trophies goes, this was the easiest platinum I've made with less than 4 hours play. None of the trophies are challenging, you just have to focus on them from the very beginning.

With all that said, I liked playing the game, it was a nice break after playing other, more intense games.