Don;t buy this game. Ever.

User Rating: 1.5 | Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands PSP
This game sucks. I absolutley hate it. Unless your looking for
sheer torture in the form of a video game, don't buy this.

I bought The Forgotten Sands thinking it would be like
Prince of Persia: Sand of Time, which is a great game.
This game is not like that at all.

There is nothing good about this game at all. At all. Really, it is awful.

The game is extremelly boring, with no exciting parts about it.
Some parts require you to do the level many times over, which gets
extremelly irratating and repetative.

The combat is also very dull, consisting of hitting 1 or 2 buttons the whole time.

The game is also very short, only being around 5 hours of gameplay.

When I bought this game, i was extremelly dissapointed in Ubisoft.
they did a awful job on this game, and they should be ashamed to call it their own.