This is a good game with a good story but it's rough around the edges.

User Rating: 8.4 | Prince of Persia 3D PC
Gameplay: The previous two Prince of Persia games, the first from 1989 and its sequel The Shadow and the Flame from 1993, were both side-scrolling action games. In them, you controlled the prince as he climbed ledges, fought guards, and jumped over and crawled under traps, all in search of his beloved and imprisoned fiancée. Prince of Persia 3D follows this formula exactly, only this time the game is in 3D, and the prince and his princess are married. But once again, the prince has been imprisoned and left for dead, and he must escape the clutches of the villain and rescue his fair maiden. So pretty much there is the same gameplay elements from the orginainal, you'll find yourself swinging from ropes across wide chasms, leaping off high ledges to slide down rising drawbridges, and other exciting stunts accept they are in 3-D plus the company added a few mores movies to the prince from the original. The Levels are well done and you can do many of thoughs cool acrobatic stunts. There is just enough enemies so that the game does not get to annoying and you get The bow, A magic stuff, A sword and Dual Swords that you get to fight your enemies with. The game's worst flaw is its sluggish and unresponsive control. Turning the prince while running feels like trying to steer an 18-wheeler. He turns wide, which makes running around corners a chore. The Camera view is kinda like the old Tomb Radier style and when Graphics: Puzzles keep things interesting in between. The diffrent levels also look quite amazing to look at and are filled with big, exotic architecture and wondrous gadgets and machinery. Though the character designs don't look as good and sometimes the designs of the other characters look bad.

Sound: The sound is allright everything should sound like it should. Sound track is not bad either it has a middle eastern flare to it.

Value: Well the replay value is ok if you can forgive the flaws in the game it's great to play again.

So this is a good game to add to you game collection even though there are some major flaws in this game, but over all this is a good game. I would recommend this game if you can forgive the mistakes in the game.
I give this game 8.5 out of 10