PoP 2008 accomplishes what it set out to do, and it does so with flying colors!

User Rating: 9.5 | Prince of Persia PC
I'd never have thought I'd be slightly ticked off by a GS review accompanied by an 8.0 grade. It's easy to get 'fooled' by the 'arcady' or 'consoly' theme to this game, making you think that this game is just 'good' or 'adequate'. However, in my opinion, this gane is a masterpiece. From the moment I saw the classy, artsy menu I felt this game would stand out, and it did.

GRAPHICS are different to what you're accustomed to, yes. I guess it's a love it or hate it thing but in my opinion the style totally works for this game. On my 4870x2 with E6600 @ 3.0Ghz the game runs like a charm at everything maxed out at 1680x1050 reso. The visuals look great and sometimes you'll just want to stop for a bit and admire the scenery.

GAMEPLAY just feels right. I'm playing with a xbox 360 controller. If you haven't got one for your PC, consider buying one. Nowadays with one port after another it has proven to be a great investment. Games like these (And for example GRID, Assassin's Creed, Dead Space, GTA IV) are so much more enjoyable when sitting back and are quite suitable for an xbox controller.

Some have argued that the gameplay is repetitive.
In my opinion, calling this game's mechanics of climbing, jumping and swordfighting repetitive is similar to calling CoD4 repetitive because you have to keep shooting stuff. My advice would be not to try and complete this in one sitting, take it slow and you won't get that feeling of repetitiveness.

MUSIC really adds to this game. Much like Assassin's Creed, the musical score is great and will really enhance your experience. I especially liked the music during the unlocking new powers stages.

STABILITY has been overlooked by many when reviewing this game. Sadly, nowadays it is rare to find a game as stable as this. Throughout I had the feeling that this game was very well polished and I'm happy to report that it runs great, looks great and I haven't experienced a single glitch.

I'd like to add that I first pirated this game. After playing it for a while I decided to buy it. I hope others that enjoy this game will do likewise, as giving off signals to game developers that they 'got it right' is massively important.

CONCLUSION. I'll stop here as not to discourage anyone from reading this epos. I have thouroughly enjoyed playing this game. From the great scenery and musical score, to the corny but amusing banter between the prince and the princess; this games' developers dared to try something new and it totally works. This game's a gem and should be acknowlegded as one.