You can pick it up if you really have nothing to do or spend your daddy's money on.

User Rating: 4 | Power Rangers: Dino Thunder PS2
If you have read my other reviews you know three things....1- I have a son who is between the ages of five and eight, 2- I am of the age that I grew up playing the original home gaming system and 3- I am a little behind the times when it comes to reviewing and playing the latest games. This game was brought to my attention by my son while on our usual once a month pilgrimage to the local used gaming store. Now, I have seen the Power Rangers series from the begining when the pink ranger was considered hot, to now when the series is just sad and worn out. Anyways, on to the game. My son had to have this game and of course for five dollars...why not. I really could not have been more wrong since my agreeance to purchace Spiderman: Web of Shadows for PS2 (you can get that review on another page). First off the game starts with a ridiculous intro and goes down hill from there. I havent seen worse graphics since Dino Stalker was vomited onto the PS2 platform. The game has endless possibilites and sellability due to the fact that it has robotic dinosaurs but what do the designers do....? They create a game with so little plot and fore thought that after the first ten minutes you become very aware that you have yet again placed your "leafy, greeny, spendy money" into the abyss that is Power Rangers video games. You might as well write this one off as a donation to the unemployed. I would love to go on with the rest of the aspects of this game but they are all horrible. The controls are difficult at best. The sound is not bad so there is a dim bright spot. The voice overs are bad but not the worst I have ever heard. The cinematic cut scenes are NES at best and offer nothing but a little salt rubbed into the ever growing wound. As always, keep gaming.