not the most thrilling story but it is fun to play

User Rating: 8 | Power Blade NES
when new earth's master computer is attacked by aliens, only NOVA, lord of the ancient power blade, can hope to battle through to the control center and restore the data base.

so not such an interesting story, but the aliens you have to kill are mostly different from each other, this is good so rather than hading a red alien then a blue 1 with more health you have to dodge each 1 and fight it in a different way. there is 6 levels in each part which are fun enough but its quite hard and you will spend a long time on the first 3 levels getting killed until you start to get the hang of it. the main difficulty of this game is the way at times more than 1 enemy are attacking you at the 1 time. this might be ok for some other games where you can get attacked by 5 or 6 at a time, but the enemy's in this need to be killed certain ways. like some will pop out of a man hole and others will just be running for you and you need to be killing the guy coming for you and watching for the guy in the man hole who is shooting at you.
the game is pretty detailed like the character you play has the shading around the muscles and some of the pretty cool looking effects of the enemy weapons hen they are firing at you.
the music isnt too bad i found a lot of the levels music to be a catchy theme and made the game fun to play. the music is quite upbeat sinse the whole world is being attacked by aliens but im not complaining the music is great
overall its quite a good game. not quite the best to hit the nes but its worth a play if you like this type of game