Hilarious in parts, but ultimately tedious and pointless

User Rating: 5 | Postal 2: Share the Pain PC
Yes, there's some fun to be had in this game, but once the humour wears off, there's basically nothing to do. You have a set of fairly mundane tasks to accomplish over the course of a week, picking up a parcel, getting milk, pissing on your father's grave etc, and completing each task triggers a scenario, usually involving having to fight your way out of a building against hordes of people who want to kill you for some unknown reason. And thats basically it. The rest of the game is spent wandering from one task to another, with very little to do on the way. There are stacks of NPCs, but you cant interact with them, except to kill them or urinate on them, there are a lot of buildings to explore, but really nothing to find. The tasks are not connected in any way, so there's no overarching storyline. This is a game crying out for something else, side-quests, meaningful interactions with NPCs, even some Easter eggs would be something to relive the monotony. How about being able to do something sexual with all the babes wandering round - ridiculous that in a game thats basically meant to be totally offensive, you can urinate on beautiful women or knock their heads off, but you cant have sex with them - especially when you knock over one of the mini-skirted babes and realise that someone has gone to the trouble of making them anatomically correct. Major letdown. Ditto for environmental destruction. You're given matches and cans of fuel, but you cant actually burn anything down. Basically this game ends up being a tease - much promised, nothing delivered.

Really the game's only saving grace is the humour, but even thats patchy. Urinating on people is a giggle at first, but that soon palls. Postal Dude comes out with some zingers, but you quickly get tired of his snide comments whenever you save too often. The cows heads, the exploding cats, again a giggle, but only the first time. It just needs a lot more than schoolyard humour to save this game from mediocrity.