Postal 2 is the serial killer simulator. It is the game that lets you be what you truly want to be deep down inside.

User Rating: 9.5 | Postal 2: Share the Pain PC
Monday morning, start of a new week. You wake up, and the air conditioner is broken. In Arizona. It's the middle of July. Your wife immediately pesters you to go to the market for her milk and ice cream. So you step outside, and your dog pees on your leg. Great. You go to your car to get ready to go to your work as a game developer, but that is broken. You can tell today is going to be an interesting day.

This is what is so fun about Postal 2. The day is going to be as interesting as you want it to. For Monday, your missions are: Pick up your paycheck, cash your paycheck (At the Running With Scissors office, a video game developer), and go buy some milk. You can do these in any order. Don't want to wait to get the paycheck to cash it? No problem. Go to the bank, and just rob the vault. Just don't expect to be let off so easily for it. Expect heavy resistance. Want to buy some milk, but you are all out of cash? No problem, just steal it. Just be ready for the angry Muslim shop keeper when he comes at you with an M16. You decide to go to work then. It turns out that your boss is firing you, even though it is your first day. Don't like him? No problem, just kill him. Then take the paycheck. However, be ready for the "Parents Against Violent Video Games" protesters to come in and attempt to assassinate the whole staff. The result could be wither a mini war with the employees and the protesters, or you can just sneak out the back and miss all of the fun.

Or, you can just ignore all of these missions and just go explore. The levels are full of detail and have many secrets. It would take roughly 30 minutes to fully explore the first small section. You can find things that you might not expect to find as well, like an entire terrorists training camp. If you reach the end, you can even find your very own WMD for you to enjoy as you wish.

As the days go on, though, you may find different things in different spots. You would find a lot more money in the vault on Friday rather than Monday. You will start to find army personnel patrolling the streets. Even entire events will take place and happen all on their own. For instance, on Tuesday, a marching band will march through town. However, when they reach the end, they might find themselves being bombed by a suicide terrorist.

The game looks great. It's age does show, but it still looks pretty and the environments are gorgeous. Even the over the top violence looks pretty. The blood, piss, and gasoline trickles around realistically and sometimes pools up.

The game play is simple and straight forward, but it does get monotonous and boring for long bursts of play. You can take the ultra violent path or the pacifists path, but the latter is not enjoyable at all.

The game is also extremely short. You can push through the whole game in under two hours if you really wanted to. I've tried it, and it was extremely unpleasant. It is very dull and not fun at all. Don't try it, really. Playing it just for the sake of getting it done is not the way this game is designed to be played at all.

So overall, the game is a good find. I recommend you pick it up if have the chance. It is a great game if you just wanna mess around or explore.