User Rating: 7 | Postal 2 PC
Postal 2 is like every serial killers dream this is the only way to describe it outlandishley funny in every department and very, very violent. You as the DUDE or should is say (The Postal Dude) there is no sense to this game in many ways its a bad version of Grand Theft Auto but saying that it is stil very entertainng in most parts. I do beleive that RWS did not intend to make a serious game and they have succeded, Postal 2 is like a cross between Soldgier of Fortune and an epsidoe of South Park, mission objectives are very basic, in one mission you will need to get some milk from the shop and in another you will need to get 5 people to sign a petiton but for the most part you will be going round hitting people with your spade and watching their body bounce like a rag doll.

The storyline is pathetic because their isent one its just mindless violence the whole way thorugh, altohugh the game tends to change a litle towards the end iof the game which is for the worst in my opinon. If you buy this gamw dont be expecting a hyper realstic storyline with brillant cutscenes and dialoug along with brillant Ai because Postal 2 is nothing short of a laugh END OF.