Portal is a refreshingly invigorating mind bending puzzle phenomena and well worth your time to play.

User Rating: 9 | Portal PC
The release of Half-Life 2 in late 2004 was followed by a steady stream of mods and games utilizing the highly customizable Source game engine. Portal a Sci-fi based puzzle game developed by Valve was one such game that emerged from Source. Here Chell (you) must use the portal gun to attempt to safely navigate their way through Aperture Science facility and escape the clutches of the ever controlling and manipulative GLaDOS. Through the endeavor of escaping you're forced to confront many mind twisting, and relatively difficult puzzles which you will use the portal gun to solve. The portal gun allows Chell to create an entrance portal with one click of the mouse and an exit portal with another click. The portals are used to get around obstacles, launch yourself long distance, evade sentry turrets, and much more. The game is unfortunately too short, 7 hours of play time finished the game for me, but it is well worth the $15 Valve has the game priced at. Portal is often put on sale during some of the many steam sales, and if you were really lucky for an entire week it was given out for free. Portal is a challenging, mind bending puzzle game that provides for some good gaming and is well deserved of being played.