Anyone who says the PSP doesn't have good RPGs, obviously hasn't played this game.

User Rating: 9.1 | PoPoLoCrois Monogatari: Pietro Ouji no Bouken PSP
I'm not a huge RPG fan (discluding the elder scrolls series) but I still loved this game. I got it on sale at Gamestop for $10 and I was surprised it was as good as it is. I would have payed $20 for it if I had known it would be this good. The gameplay is fun and innovative. My one problem with it is that sometimes you have to go somewhere fast, but monsters keep popping up all over the place. The graphics may not be next gen, but they are cute and many people will enjoy the anime-style art. The sound is good, but the Japanese childrens' voices yelling"slicing wind" can get annoying. Fighting the same bad guys over and over can get pretty repetitive, but that doesn't take much away from the experience. The cute graphics, addictive battles, fun boss fights, good story, and funny characters make this game a must have for any PSP owner looking for a good RPG, or just a good game.