Simple... almost too simple. Alas, PoPoLoCrois is very enjoyable because it's not in your face with dramatic emo crap.

User Rating: 7.5 | PoPoLoCrois Monogatari: Pietro Ouji no Bouken PSP
The Good-
I'll make this review simple and sweet in the honor of the game I'm reviewing. PoPoLoCrois is nice to look at, has very silly enemies, likable characters and a solid story that isn't in your face. If you're looking for something dramatic, look somewhere else. I particularly like the way this game is setup into 3 basic stories which link together. Throughout the game you'll get PLENTY of anime scenes that don't last too long and are actually pretty good quality. Gameplay is a WELL DONE hybrid of a tactics and standard role playing game and battles are done in the normal game map which is borderline awesome.

The Bad-
My only gripe with this game is that it's almost TOO FREAKING SIMPLISTIC. The game is easy if you figure out the system, although boss fights take a little long.

The Awesome-
Gami Gami Devil. He's mostly the reason you want to buy this game. Let's say he's such an ego maniac that he builds multiple towns filled with robot citizens who worship him and follow his every whim. He reminds me of me and that's a good enough reason to buy the game.

The Bottom Line-
The game is about as simple as this review so don't expect too much. I say it's worth buying and I'd buy the sequel and you're obviously looking for my opinion so there.
