It is a a very good RPG. It doesn't bring anything really new to the table, but the story is very cute.

User Rating: 7.5 | PoPoLoCrois Monogatari: Pietro Ouji no Bouken PSP
It is a a very good RPG. It doesn't bring anything really new to the table, but the story is very cute. It is well worth the 30+ hours of playing time. I liked the fact that it was 3 separate adventures all rolled into 1. It did a very good job of combining them seamlessly. If you are a fan of classic RPG's then this game is for you. The characters are fleshed out rather well and you definitely grow attached to them by the end of the journey. After I beat it my wife got into the game as well. It is very easy to play and get a hang of even if you don't have previous PSP or RPG game experience. It is definitely a game for all ages and anyone looking for a good story and memorable characters will want to pick this game up. The game is older now so check the bargain bins at your local game store and you should be able to get if around 10 bucks IF they actually have a copy.