A great RPG.

User Rating: 8.8 | PoPoLoCrois Monogatari: Pietro Ouji no Bouken PSP
PoPoLoCrois was the first RPG I purchased for my PSP. Of all the handheld RPGs I've played, this is arguably my favorite.

PoPoLoCrois for the PSP consists of the first two games previously available (only in Japan) for the Playstation console, and one entirely new story. Of course, they didn't fit the entire first two games onto one UMD. The UMD holds a very chopped up version of the first two games in the series. Of course, what most of us (living in the U.S.) don't know, won't hurt us right? Despite the missing scenes, quests, and whatnot, PoPoLoCrois still can prove itself to be a good RPG (unless you've played the previous games).

The gameplay is pretty fun. The game world is pretty big, and there are plenty of areas to explore. As for the battle system, it's turn-based. Your party moves around on a grid (though not large enough to really be considered tactical). The grid is your main ways of moving your character around, to place your character in certain positions, and to attack. Your attacks also use the grid system. Use a melee attack, and you can hit the enemy on the grid square/s right in front of you. Use a special ability, and depending on the attack, you can have quite a variety of different grid combinations (a straight line, a large area in front of you, etc.). I found it to be a fun system.

The storyline is very nice. It takes some time for it to really build up (I thought the game was at its best during the 3rd chapter, "Goddess Maira"), but overall, it's well worth it. It has quite a few anime cutscenes to display, perhaps, important scenes, or to give the gamers a better feel of what's going on. It's a great way to help express the emotions through the characters (and believe me, it does get very emotional at certain scenes). For those of you who don't like reading, you shouldn't have to worry much. There's obviously some reading to do, but a lot of story is expressed through the cutscenes.

As for the bad (which aren't TOO bad), load times can frustrate some, as they are frequent. Not long, but the frequency of load times can really make the gameplay feel choppy. Random battle encounters also appear to frustrate some, as they may be too often. Personally, this wasn't much of a bother for me. Later on in the game, you will learn an ability which will keep these enemy encounters from happening.

To sum this up, PoPoLoCrois is a fun RPG, with a great cast of characters, and a nice storyline to go with it. If you can live through the flaws listed above, and enjoy a simple turn-based RPG, I'd highly recommend PoPoLoCrois.