A typical RPG game for PSP, with a great storyline and lots of humour. Very enjoyable though possibly too symplistic.

User Rating: 7.4 | PoPoLoCrois Monogatari: Pietro Ouji no Bouken PSP
PoPoLoCrois is a story about a 12 year old prince called Pietro, living in the kingdom of PoPoLoCrois. His mother is a dragon (though she is always in a human form) and her soul has been taken by an evil person and it is your job to save her. Your Father is obviously the king of PoPoLoCrois. The storyline to this game is excellent with loads of interesting characters, who are all different than one an other. Your character is the prince and you start off all alone and to be honest pretty weak. You gradually become stronger and get more companions by completing missions etc.
the game play to this game is good and the game is easy to pick up and play, thanks to the handy option of saving from wherever you are. The battles work well, though they is nothing special or original in the battles that make it different to all the other RPGs. It would have been nice to see some more colourful animation in the battles, and I personally think the game would have had a better look, had it been done Anime-style. Other problems are the long loading times during the game and the far too frequent random battles in the wild.
The graphics are what you would excpect and are reasonably well done, same for the sound which is lacking that touch that makes you hum along to it.
The games value is excellent part. To complete the game takes at least 40 hours or so. During the 40 hours you have tons of different things to do. It took me just under that and although it was fun, it was a bit too easy and was missing an "impossible" battle at the very end of the game. I found it a bit ridiculous, that Maira, a evil godess, is so powerful and at one point nearly kills Pietro with just a lazy flick of her wand, but when you battle her she is very easy to defeat and apart from one attack is dangerous at all.

Overall PoPoLoCrois is what I would call a usual RPG and if you are looking for another RPG game to play I would recommend a game that is more original, since you probably won't find originality in this game. However this game is perfectly fine for gamers who have only just started playing RPG and what get some experience.