Very good rpg game, one of the best on PSP. This game lasts a long time from about 20 to 30 hours. The story is good too

User Rating: 8.2 | PoPoLoCrois Monogatari: Pietro Ouji no Bouken PSP
Popolocrois is the best rpg on the PSP yet. It lasts a very long time. The game has about 4 or more chapters or parts in it. The 2D graphics look great on the PSP. There are many items you can buy to make your characters abilities stronger. The characters also get special attacks such attacking the enemy using lightning. The characters change as the story continues on. Some characters leave the story for awhile and newer ones replace them. There are many different quests in the game. The enemies get very tough by the end of the game but it is still fun. Also there are many towns you can visit in the game. I would recommend this game to any one who wants to get a rpg for their PSP.