Cute, fun, and unique combination of both RPG and Tactic gameplay, all wrapped up with a nice dose of heavy storyline.

User Rating: 8.1 | PoPoLoCrois Monogatari: Pietro Ouji no Bouken PSP
With the current lack of what the playstation system has been well known for, it's good to see games like PoPoLoCrois leading the way.

At first, I couldn't really get into this game. For some reason, it didn't stick with me. The random battles really started to get annoying, but eventually, I got into it.

Gameplay wise, it plays like a traditional RPG that was met with a tactics like ATB system. You move your characters on the field in a kind of hidden grid system. Your movement is displayed in blue sqaures, while attack range and area is displayed in red. Magic spells have unique range and areas, so differant spells can be used effectively depending on where you are on the map. I've never seen gameply quite like it, and it's fun and interesting at that. I suppose the amount of random battles is very annoying, but a RPG wouldn't be good with too little, or too much in this case. The one thing that bugged me was the difficulty. This game is mainly based at new comers to the RPG genra, and anyone who has played them before can easily take down boses and normal enemies.

Graphics wise, it's all done in sprite animation, with maybe a few drawn backgrounds here and there. The sprites are highly detailed, and there are all to many animations, so you can still see something new, even at the end of the game. To enhance the gameplay, there are plenty of anime cut scenes. I, for one, have never heard of the anime PoPoLoCrois, but the art style of the anime is cutesy, simple. This really helps you get a feel for the characters that you set into random battles with.

Music. This game has PLENTY of music tracks. The only problem is that some are very good, while some are pretty bad. The first battle theme you hear really loses impact on the game, as good battle music is something that drives the RPG genra. However, it starts getting better. I suppose this is just, A taste, like what you like and what you want. The music is fine, and is widely used to enhance the motion of the game with its cute sounds.

Overall, I think it's a pretty neat RPG. The story is very well, and is friendly twords people who haven't heard of PoPoLoCrois, which is good because most people haven't. The only bad thing that I am really complaining about, is answering the question, "What are you playing?"

PoPoLoCrois is such a weird name.