Just like a.... Trading... card.... game......

User Rating: 7.4 | Pokemon Trading Card Game GBC
A nice little concept of a game, best suited for 2 players, altough single player is a great way to improve your deck. Its storyline is the basic story you would expect from a Pokemon game, infact you could relate it to Pokemon red, blue, yellow, gold, silver, crystal and all the others, just replace Pokemon with cards. The on problem with this game is that there wasnt much more then a few gyms, some extra area's could have improved the game. Like maybe a forest, a beach or even a trade center. Graphics are basic for a Gameboy Colour, but i'll deduct a few points due to its basicness. Nothing to special was found. Gameplay is, at first, hard to understand unless you have played with pokemon cards earlier but you will understand the rules. The problem is with sound, repetitive and dull.