It's alright if you enjoy the battling system of Pokemon

User Rating: 6.6 | Pokemon Stadium Kin Gin Crystal Version N64
Game Review-Nintendo 64-Pokemon Stadium 2

Review 67

Released: March 25, 2001
Developers: Nintendo, HAL Labs
Game Genre: Strategy

Just like Pokemon Stadium could be hooked up to Pokemon Yellow, its sequel is directly tied to Pokemon Crystal. Take away all the extras that Stadium 2 offers when hooked up with Crystal, and all you have are the stadium battles, the gym leader castle, and the minigames. For those who’ve already played the original Pokemon Stadium, the only new things are the new Pokemon and moves, and the Challenge battles in the Stadium, where the 6 Pokemon you use are randomly selected.

There is no storyline, and that takes away a lot from the game.

Most of the gameplay has already been described. The only thing I did not explain was Earl’s Pokemon Academy, which can be useful for those who have not ever played the game, as it goes back and explains the basics.

The graphics are just average.

Previous Game: Pokemon Stadium

The only good section. The minigames have improved greatly, to begin with. There are 12 now, instead of 8, and they don’t go by wins, but instead there are rolls before each game that determine a certain amount of coins that go to the winner. The first to a set amount of tokens wins.

Also, as I stated earlier, there is the Challenge Cup, and the new Pokemon and moves, along with all the improvements that Gold/Silver/Crystal made over Red/Blue/Yellow.

The battles get old fast. There is no storyline. It’s just battling.