Pokemon Snap is an original, fun, and highly addictive game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Pokemon Snap N64
Audio: 8/10
Good sound effects and a good soundtrack that sucks you into the world of Pokemon with ease.

Visuals: 7/10
The pokemon look great but the environments are dull and not as well designed as I hoped that they would be but there is quite a bit of variety between them.

Playability: 7/10
Simple yet highly addictive gameplay. For some odd reason you can get sucked into the world of photographing these adorable pokemon.

Delivery: 8/10
With more with 100 Pokemon to take photos of, There is quite a bit of time to invest in the game to get em all but it's highly worth it. A lengthy campaign that is worth playing over and over again.

Overall: 7.5/10
Highly addictive gameplay makes this game that you will not wanna miss if you are a fan of the pokemon franchise. I wished they made a sequel but sadly they did not.