A pretty awesome Pokemon game. Has somethings you look for in Pokemon and for the time it came out, pretty good.

User Rating: 8.5 | Pokemon Sapphire Version GBA
So I am sure everyone is familiar with Pokemon in some way. If you have watched the show, played the games, traded the cards, etc. The list goes on for how big the Pokemon Franchise is, if I am not mistaken probably one of the biggest Nintendo has. The Pokemon Franchise being familiar with 2 other generations of games, it was only expected to get better but how?

The release of Pokemon Sapphire along with with Ruby was in my opinion probably the best. The game had a great array of new Pokemon, new places to explore, a new double battle system, berry blending, planting berries, an amazing story line for as far as Pokemon had went at the time, loads of replayabilty and more.

The game in a whole I would have to say 8.5 and that is not being rated just for at its time. It still today, as the 3rd Generation Pokemon is probably one of the best (If not voted by fans, the best of all the Pokemon games) games.

Its a fun game, so if you are into Pokemon, pick it up and then experience memories with Pokemon you may migrate all the way up to your newest Pokemon game you have.