Very different but still as good!

User Rating: 9.5 | Pokemon Ranger DS
Graphics: You may know most previous Game Boy Pokemon games to be alright in graphics, but not quite there. This one is pretty different, it has some slight anime-like effects to it and more things can happen at once. I suppose you'd expect this from a DS game!

Sound/Music: The music is actually well composed! It's not annoying at all and I actually enjoy the music. It's got the usual Pokemon-ish sounding tunes, but not the same ones we know from other Pokemon games. The sounds are crispy and clear as well, also not annoying.

Difficulty: I'd say this is about medium. All you really need is a fast hand for when you're capturing Pokemon. Some are harder than others to get, and you can sometimes get mighty frusterated. Though it's not insanely hard... or is it. :P

Gameplay: Boy, do I have a lot to say about this. In this game, you're not exactly capturing Pokemon, rather adding them for temporary use in your party. They can either do a specific elemental attack on something that they must do so on the main map, or in battle. Either way, it's only one use per Pokemon except for your partner, whom I won't give away. As for capturing them, it's rather neat. You have to use the stylus and circle as many loops as it shows around the target Pokemon, and you should probablly do it fast. If the loop is broken, it takes away your energy, which is your main HP. This game doesn't count a loss as you lose your Pokemon, rather if you lose your energy. Be careful when getting the big'ns.

Controls: Most of the controlling you'll do in this game is all pen work. Sometimes you'll use A and the D-pad, but 80% of the time will be used up working with a stylus. Thus, makes them simple.

Overall: Totally brand new Pokemon experence, especially if you got tired of the same old traditional Pokemon games. Most have given up on collecting them because they got tiresome after awhile. This is a great break from those and for something new. Go out and get this game if you really want something fun.