This game is great. It is just too short.

User Rating: 8.5 | Pokemon Ranger DS
The gameplay in this game is great. I got so much fun out of this game. Even though it is pretty short and hard. In this game you have to circle the pokemon with the stylus to capture them. When you touch the screen with the stylus a line comes up, so you can no where you are circling . In this game you don't battle with pokemon, you capture them and use themwhen you are fight bosses. Like if you capture a grass pokemon they help you by making the lines you make with the stylus turn into grass. This makes the pokemon trapped. These affects are called poke assists. If you pick to start of with a boy in this game you will get minum. If you pick to start of with a girl in this game you will get plusle. To use minum and plusles poke assist you need to fill up a bar. The more bars you fill up the more the poke assist helps. First you start of with one bar then two and so on. You'll get more bars eventually. I think the most bars you can get is five. Not all the pokemon have the bars only minum and plusle do. Normally The pokemon you use the pokemon assist with runs away. But that does not happen with minum or plusle. They just stay there. There is a thing called ranger rank. After you do a few missions your ranger rank will get higher. The highest ranger rank you can get is ten. Once you complete the game a thing called ranger net will come up. On ranger net there are even more missions that you can do. The graphics are much better then the other pokemon games there are on gameboy advance or DS. Another thing good about this game is that pokemon don't just randomly appear, instead you actually see them. If you want to capture them you just walk into them.