A solid Pokemon spin-off game.

User Rating: 8.3 | Pokemon Ranger DS
At first glance you may think Pokemon Ranger looks like just another Pokemon game. But it isn't just another game. It's one of the most fun Pokemon games there is. It's got the nice challenge you look for in any game. It also brings something completely fresh, new, compelling, and fun to your Pokemon experience.

Gameplay: This Pokemon game can be controlled with the touch screen 100%. It works very well so do not worry about that ruining the experience. It's actually a great thing because it makes your hand work pretty hard but not to the extent of Pokemon Dash which was horrible. To catch Pokemon you use a device that is called the Capture Styler. You have to draw continuous loops around the Pokemon that you are trying to catch with your Styler. It's fun and works great. You'll use Pokemon's special abilities to solve puzzles and to help you catch other Pokemon. Since you are a Ranger you don't really have any Pokemon that ever stay in your party for the whole entire game. Pokemon are released once you use their special ability to solve a puzzle in the field. Only one Pokemon stays in your party for the whole game. It's Minun if you are a guy and Plusle if you are a girl. Your partner Pokemon can only be used to help you capture other Pokemon. Overall the gameplay is fresh and exciting and works fairly flawlessly.

Graphics: Pokemon Ranger's graphics are nice but they are not amazing. The 2D sprites are quite detailed though and the game just looks polished. Nothing to really complain about here or write home about here.

Sound: The sound is decent but the only things that truly stands out in my mind are all of the different noises your Capture Styler makes whether it's just receiving a text message or making that cool noise it makes when you are drawing loops around a Pokemon.

Value: At first glance it may not look like Pokemon Ranger has all that much value. It is about an 8-10 hour quest so it is a fairly short RPG. On the first play through it is very fun and it is the type of RPG that you can play at least 2-4 times through without getting bored.

Tilt: I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Pokemon Ranger so far and I have played through it multiple times and just started another new game. I just really like all of the new things that it brings to the table and it is an all around fun game.

Overall: Pokemon Ranger is a great game to buy for any Pokemon fan. (or Pokemaniac if that floats your boat) A great investment for any gamer and a fun game for anyone.