Game Freak scores yet again with this great game.

User Rating: 10 | Pocket Monsters Black DS
Pokémon Black and White are the fifth main-game installments in the popular Pokémon series. If you do not know what this "Pokémon" is, then you are lost. Pokémon is an RPG series involving catching these freaky-looking monsters and then pitting them out against each other. The first editions were Pokémon Red and Pokémon blue for the Gameboy. Depending on which version you get depends of what Pokémon you find, so you would have to trade with friends to "catch them all." Same applies with Black and White, except you have access to Wi-Fi to trade easier. In the originals, there were 151 different Pokémon. Now, there are over 600 of these critters to collect. Now, let's get on with the review.

Graphics- Graphics in the game are really good. They stepped it up a bit and changed the view of your character at points. Also, the actually made all of the Pokémon in battle move. Sure, it may not be 3D models, and they are a little pixilated, but that doesn't really affect me. I'm glad Gamefreak put the time to make the animated Pokémon. The attacks look nice too. I like the animations to Fusion Flare and Fusion Bolt a lot. Since the graphic look very nice, but they are pixilated at times, I give it a 9/10.

Music- The music in this game is wonderful. It isn't the most epic music ever, sure, but it's the best the Pokémon series has had. Some of the songs are upbeat and catchy, other are great for a fight, and some are even slow and sorrow. At one point in the game, a sad piece of music called "Emotion" played. I won't say any further than that, since some of you haven't played the game yet. In the end, music scores a perfect 10/10.

Controls- Work perfectly. Nothing wrong with them. "A" does many things, usually talking to someone. "X" opens the menu. "B" is used to exit out of things and "Y" is to used a select item. The control pad moves our character, or selects different items in the bag or moves in battle. You can also tap the screen in battle to select options. Controls get 10/10.

Gameplay- The best part of the game. There is no big surprise that the gameplay ROCKED in this game. If your are a fan of RPG's, then you'll love this. Basically- You go around a region named Unova catching monster, battling them, and trying to save the world. I really enjoy Pokémon, so I knew I would love this. Gamefreak scored yet again. Even better, you can register friend codes and battle them over wi-fi. (Friend codes were introduced in Diamond and Pearl.) What's better is you can also battle random opponents over wi-fi, giving the game so much more replay value. Gameplay also earns a 10/10.

Final Score- 9.75, or rounded to 10-Really Amazing

Buy, rent, or skip? If you played Pokémon before or enjoy RPGS, I think you should definitely buy Pokémon Black or White. If you are not so sure, rent the game first to see if you enjoy it. I would have to say this is the greatest game so far in the series. If you like the idea of battling monsters you've tamed yourself against others, then this is the game for you.