Same thing, New Generation.

User Rating: 8 | Pocket Monsters Black DS
Everything from the previous games with new enhancements, not to sound displeased, as I have clocked max time on my cart, its just as addicting now as it was for me when I first played Blue all those years ago. This sort of "reboot" to get players more into the new batch of pokemon was a good idea as all the prior games seemed to just add more and more on with less focus on the *newer* pokemon, something that this game changed. If you liked the previous games you will more than likely enjoy this one too. The online battling through Random Matchup is enjoying and irritating at the same time as there are with many online games there are sore losers who will disconnect but unlike other games where that hurts a players point/ranking there is no penalty in this game which is a sizeable drawback in my opinion considering how often I have personally had it happen to me.