A game that could've been perfect, but has more than a few shortcommings...

User Rating: 7.5 | Pokemon Battle Revolution WII
Pokemon Battle Revolution.
My brother is a hardcore pokemon addict, and he owns a pokemon Pear game. So I decided to buy this for him the other day, despite the terrible reveiws. So played it for about 4 hours straight so then I decided to play two player with him, with my copy of pokemon diamond and my DSi. So anyways we had a blast and this game has become a favourite. There's some conditions to enjoy this game.

1. You must like pokemon
2. You must have at least 1 Diamond/Pearl DS game
3. You must have 1 DS/DSlite/DSi
4. You must be open minded when your about to play

If you are lacking any of these, stop reading my review right now and go spend some money on Halo or something. If you have all the above qualities then buy this game now!

So, let's give a gameplay idea, think of a pokemon Diamond/Pearl battle, and think of the Pokemon TV show. Mix then together with some 3D graphics and you have Pokemon Battle Revolution. You use your DS to import Pokemon and then you can use them to fight COM units or your friends. You have your Pokemon and you select one of it's four moves. You see him exucute the move and watch the damage. Your openent will do the same. You can do tag team Poke fights and Single. You can switch out from 1-6 pokemon in a fight unless the rules of that particular match restrict it. You have five rule sets to choose from when battling friends and you can limit the level of pokemon fighting (So level 50 and under, anything above 50 is banned)

If your in the mood for some Pokemon Battle Dimension on TV that you can control, Pokemon Battle Revolution will give you a similar experince.