i love yhe graphic in this game. But the battling could be a way better than it is , since its on the Nintendo Wii.

User Rating: 6 | Pokemon Battle Revolution WII
Like I said i love he graphics in this game , its like they are actually real Pokemon !!! The battling is pretty good , but it could be a little bit more spicy. but other than that the battlings good. the way you can designe your trainer is so mind blowing , you could make yor mii trainer ! i also love the fact that the game has Wi Fi mode where you can play with your friends next door , down the street , around the corner, and across the world !!! This is why i give this game a 9. I give it a 9 because of the amazing graphics . Also the Cool amazing battling. Also the way you can make your very own mii trainer. And lastly but sertainly not least , because of the Wonderful, breath taking Wi Fi mode for battling online. So you better keep tune for my next review , i will be review one peice unlimited adveture and more. so keep reading my reviews . Cause Im out there, and remember whos the best gamer in the world , yeah its me the one and only Curse Mark Chris, the great !!!