I expected A LOT more.

User Rating: 2 | Pokemon Battle Revolution WII
This game reminds me in many ways of Legend of Zelda: 4 Swords for the Gamecube. It works best with a handheld and with friends.

Battle Revolution is in other words not fun unless you have either Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HG or SS AND have your pokemon at least level 50 and on same level. That means you have to play another game before playing this game before it at least give any meaning. It's either that or very weak pokemons, already chosen for you.

Furthermore, there is no "freeplay" in the sense of a normal battle (6vs.6 singlebattle). With that, I mean
1) You have to make rules. In that sense, you can get a 6vs.6 singlebattle, but it still doesn't make any sense you have to create them, when all the handheld pokemongames have that as a basic battle.
2) You can only battle with the pokemons chosen from the game mentioned above or your DS-games. That removes the sense of freedom the pokemon stadiumgames gave (in sense of choosing pokemon).

There is no storymode. Seriously. This is only battle. Not that battle is boring, but the lack of "freeplay" restricts the fun in the battles. That gives Colosseum and Gale of Darkness a big plus.
The Stadiums did not have any storymode, but because of their freeplay, it wasn't needed. It was still fun killing the opponent's Catapillar, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna and Magicarp in more different ways than the numbers of fatalities in the Mortal Kombat-series.

Bottom line: PBR is nothing but good graphics. The good things are not even worth being mentioned, because it does nothing to enhance the fun in the game.
If you like the battle frontier-mode in the pokemon games, have a great team in one of the DS games and MUST have every pokemon games available, this game is for you.
If you don't and still want a pokemon game, Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness is a much better buy.