Stupidly addictive. Even the demo :P

User Rating: 7.6 | Pizza Tycoon PC
I'm not saying that I never had the game, because I did, but I remember playing the demo way before I got the full game. This game is really really dumb, but it's immensely addictive somehow.

The aim of the game seems to be to simply deliver the right pizza to the right house..pretty simple I guess... but then again, games that I find easy seem to keep me on them anyway :P

Then there's the bonus levels where you have to make an identical pizza to the one that's already displayed. Stupid fun, but you'll love it!

It's really good practice if you wish to enlist in the pizza delivery industry :P

..actually quite a coinsidence considering I'm soon applying for a job at a pizza place...maybe it was meant to be :P