A game that feels more like a dulled down movie with some crappy swordplay...

User Rating: 5.4 | Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow PS2
Its hard to believe that Pirates of the Carribean 2 is already heading toward the dollar movies. It was such a fantastic movie that made millions on its first day, proving that pirates are still in the game. With such big shoes to fill, one would expect a game that is brave enough to call itself, The Legend of Jack Sparrow, would be a bit more, good. All I can say is that the game is just a rushed peice of crap and if it wasnt for the fact that its based on one of my favorite movies ever, I wouldnt have even played past the first stage.

The story begins in the forest where Jack and Will are searching for something togethor and end up getting caught. The two are taken to the gallows and then Jack begins to try to talk himself out of it which begins the rest of the game. Its actually quite an interesting story considering you live through some of the best parts of the first movie in Jack's prospective, and if you know Jack, you will realize soon enough that alot of what happens are cover up lies to get out of the hanging. Alot of the time you will find yourself chuckling but sadly, the movie scenes are the only thing that kept me going.

Gameplay is an utter mess. Maybe 5 years ago when the PS2 was first released, it could have been passed off as an okay hack and slash game but times have changed and we have grown to expect hack n slash games to put you into the combat rather than have you press (X) and (Square) over and over. The enemies are flat out stupid, and so is your partner whether it be Wil or Elizabeth, unless of course you have a friend playing with you. I think the co-op mode is the only thing that makes this game even the least bit enjoyable. Its fun to a point, but you will soon come to realize that even with a friend, the game never shines like the movies did. I hate to say that due to the fact that Bethesda, the game company responsible for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, played a major role in the development of this game.

Graphics are about as disgusting as the gameplay. Again, maybe 5 or 6 years ago this would have been acceptable but even PS2 should look alot better than this. Im not saying that graphics make a game, but they sure would have helped this jumbled up mess. The CG sequences you rarely get look pretty good except for every character but Jack. Will, and Elizabeth honestly dont even look close to what they are supposed to and I dont see why not considering the same company that worked on Kingdom Hearts II did the graphics for this game.

The music in the game is okay most of the time. Nothing catchy or original was included in the soundtrack at all, and its a shame because I was hoping to hum along to the music while defeating some of the games countless enemies. Overall the soundtrack is basic, and never delivers what one would come to expect from a game based on such a critically acclaimed movie.

My closing comments for the game are if you are a huge fan of the movies, its worth a try. I would suggest renting the game, and testing it out with a friend because it does deliver a bit of fun in the beginning before you get tired of the repetitive gameplay. Do not buy the game unless you absoloutly must have every thing Disney releases for the movie franchise, especially considering the price tag is an unbelievable $40. Maybe someday you can find it in the used game section at EB games and get it for $10 but for now, save your money for a game worth paying for.