With the voice acting of Johnny Depp and a co-op mode how can this game go so very wrong.

User Rating: 3.5 | Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow PS2
With the voice acting of Johnny Depp and a co-op mode how can this game go so very wrong. Well one word my friends: MONEY. I'm not sure whether this game was rushed or it was made purely for ripping off the fans.

The storyline is fair and creative. It has to do with Jack and Will being captured and to save their lives, or at least delay their deaths, Jack Sparrow tells a fantasy like story about the events in the first movie. Creative because it allows the creators to take you to different worlds with different challenges

The controls are very simple and lack any depth (can anyone say LOTR games). They are not perfected and at times will get in the way of playing. The multiple control glitches really make you feel this game was rushed or the creators just didn't care. The worse thing of it all is that the co-op camera controls don't work. Now you and your buddy can run around in pre-determined camera angles (RE anyone) which doesn't really work well with a slash-em-up like this.

The game is easy, the enemies stupid, and the bosses are a snatch. Gameplay involves hit the X button repeatedly till all the enemies around you are dead. Sometime you even switch between Jack and Will to use either Will's throwing hatchet ability or Jack's throwing molotov cocktail ability. And that's it. Sure there are upgrades and around four extra attacks, but in truth all you have to do is press X and at times Triangle.

The graphics are equal to early PS2 games (think GTA III) and the cut-scenes are just plain suckage (if suckage was a word). Though Depp does great in voice acting the choppy scenes and terrible secondary actors just make it seem like suckage. In most cases the characters (not in the FMVs) mouths don't even move (PSX anyone) and just gives the feeling that the whole game was rushed.

At the end of the day you just feel this game was rushed or worse just created to scam the fans of the the movie. I've played this game, beaten it, and its sad to say that the little discount tray at your local game-store has better PS2 titles than this junk. If this game appeared in 1998 then it would have been "okay", but today with it's 40 dollar price tag this game just plain sucks.