To sum it up this is another crappy movie game. Do not waste your money buying this one. Rent it first, if at all.

User Rating: 4 | Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow PS2
Pirates of the carribean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow is about further adventures of captain jack and his friends. The beggining of the story takes place with Jack and Will Turner raiding a spanish colony for treasures, during this process Jack and Will get caught and to stall Jack relates his adventures. The fictional adventures that Jack remembers are where you play the majority of the game.

The game is produced by Bethesda Softworks, who also makes the Elderscrolls series, and is a very poor showing from there company. Usually Bethesda makes excellent games but this movie game seems to fit right in with all of the others.

Gameplay: The gameplay in Pirates is the worst aspect of the whole game. Controlling the characters is the worst part, they don't seem to go in the direction that you want all of the time. in addition to this the game has issues in multiplayer with characters getting stuck against the side of the screen. To make matters even worse the moves are extremely repetitive and the enemies for the most part look like the same character with different clothes on.

Sound: The music in the game isn't horrible but it's not exactly inspiring either. The only real plus here is that Johnny Depp does the voice of Jack in the game.

Graphics: The graphics in pirates is mediocre at best and although graphics don't make the game they certainly do hurt this one.

Value: This game is very short and the only reason to replay is to get map pieces which give unlockable content. Just like most other movie games.

Overall: This game is truly not worth playing and if you feel a deep desire to play Pirates, then rent it first.