repetitive actions and unbalanced execution,but being a POTC fan will sure give you many reasons to enjoy the most of it

User Rating: 8.3 | Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow PS2
The hype that creators build from getting Johnny Depp as Jack sparrow's voice really excites most of it, Mostly it has disappointing execution, its just a lot like another movie based games trying to make money out of good movies. example of it is the xmen game who got the voices of 5 mainstream actors from the previous movie, likely its very same from potc game...
The repetitive actions and controls will bore you, even though with nice graphics, the flaws,unbalanced exection & many glitches will annoy you for sometime. But still, I did enjoy it, If you a big POTC fan like me, maybe you could also enjoy the most of it..

the whole concept of the game is about Capt. Jack Sparrow telling an untrue story about the past (Curse of the Black Pearl) before being hang to death
you'll just control him throught inside his story telling.. thats the fun in it..

The fact that you can control Capt. Jack Sparrow with his real voice will probably entertain you, so in short, Its still a fun and entertaining game as long as your a pirates of the caribbean fan... c'',)