This game was in it's own way fun.

User Rating: 7 | Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow PS2
This game was even though a Pirates of the Caribbean extension almost it was in a way almost fun. First thing is the gameplay very simple two button hit basically max combo would be about three hits. This game is multiplayer so you and a friend may have more fun than playing alone. There are three basic characters Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swan since this game is called Legend of Jack Sparrow you can play Jack through out the whole game.You can only play Will and Elizabeth some parts of the game but mostly Will.
Most people know that Johnny Depp which at some moments he sounds like he has something better to do so his voice may sound like he's bored to death or forced to do this game.On to the sound the music is o.k. in a matter of speaking they try to spice up the music so the theme from the movie or it's the same and I need to get my hearing checked. The graphics are a bit choppy Will Turner kind of looks like Orlando Bloom but for Elizabeth's character which is play by the beautiful Keira Knightley the game model looks nothing like her. As for the value just rent it and if you end up liking the game buy it. I will not talk about the story because that's not my style.So in the end rent it if you feel like another hack and slash game.In the end you might feel like you were Jack Sparrow maybe not . Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!