User Rating: 1 | Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow PS2
I am surprised that this piece of garbage got anything above a 2.0 it is just plain horrible. I mean if the repetitive hack and slash game play doesn't bore you, and the visuals don't amuse you then the glitches will throw you away. THIS GAME HAS MAJOR GLITCHES. They should have spent a lot more money on polishing the game instead of paying for Johnny Depp to do voice overs. This game is horrible the hit detection doesn't exist at times, your character suffers from jitters. The whole game skips resulting in death, and to top it all off you sometimes just get thrown into space and get stuck there until you are hopefully hit again to get back down. I wouldn't even recommend this for a rental and I was able to rent this for free. Avoid this game at all costs if possible. Even hardcore Pirates' fan will be annoyed and upset by this piece of garbage that if anything shows us the many "joys" of rushing a game to coincide with a movie release