What would be better, Pimp my Ride? Or A Single Red Brick...

User Rating: 1.7 | Pimp My Ride PSP

Pimp My ride... has um, music

Red Brick...does not have music

Pimp My Ride...has crashes and freezes up

Red Brick...does not crash or freeze

Pimp My ride...has horrible choppy frame-rate

Red Brick...Soars smoothly through the air while flying towards your friend

Pimp My ride...has xzibit

Red Brick...does not have xzibit

Pimpy my ride...is a psp...game

Red Brick...can break the game, so you never have to experience the afulness of this game

Red Brick...hours of fun

Pimp My ride...hours of..wait, more like minutes of, frustration

Pimp my ride? Dont Buy This Game.

So, In summary. Pimp My ride is a PSP game based on the MTV show w/the same name, Pimp My ride. You play Xzibit, and you pimp cars. Then, you drive cars, or try to at least. Dont worry, this game would be great...if it were never built. I have the creators some credit...oh wait, no I cant. Here's to Pimp My Ride 2.

Red Brick?>Pimp My Ride