it's okay, but at least it's free!

User Rating: 6 | PictoChat DS
It is simple, you just need to enter one of the four chat rooms, and start chatting! You can write on the touch screen, or click or drag letter, symbols, and other stuff. You can also erase things. You will usually NOT find anyone to talk to, even if the connection is great, so it is basically boring and useless. Sometimes I use it when I go to a friends house, but I would rather just talk to them face to face. But you can use this program for secret messages and mission,and nobody will hear!

The Good : It's free * Fun if you can find someone to talk to*
You can make flip books * Great for secret messages and missions!

The Bad : Usually nobody to talk too * You'd rather talk face to face * Very little room to write on * Only sixteen people per room.

Well, it is okay, but don't buy a Nintendo DS just so you can play and use this application, because you'll get bored to it. But if you are going to buy a DS, just remember that you won't really enjoy this application too much.

Thank you, and have a great day. Check out my other reviews!